Those oversized burgers!

God I rarely watch live TV so am totally out of the loop on commercials but some I have seen for those new or expanding chains look absolutely disgusting. I can’t tell if the commercials are going for some kind of actual food porn thing, or they are satirizing themselves or what.

And if that is the best they can make a supermodel look eating one whole:eek:

Why don’t they do like anyone sane would cut it in half?

I hear an old joke commercial Homer was watching in my head when I see them “the everything breakfast sandwich” over a pound of meat, mmmmmmmmm.

Who cuts a burger in half?

Besides, I just heard that McDonald’s is reintroducing the triple cheeseburger in selected markets.


Maybe they should just focus on the burger and not worry about models eating them, for whatever reason it isn’t appetizing or arousing.

I’ve not seen those ads but are you allowing for the actresses having small hands and small mouths?

You eat pizza with a fork, don’t you.

Stop posting while drunk.

I think this is part of it. Plus you can’t overlook the marketing power of “more bang-for-the-buck” & “sex sells”.

I cut burgers in half when they’re very large - I can’t eat that much, so I’ll bring the nice, clean second half home for lunch or whatever.

But I don’t eat pizza with a fork. One has to have standards, you know. :smiley:

If he were posting while drunk, this would be a thread about how awesome those burgers on tv look.

And how he set the stove on fire trying to make one. :wink:

If I’m eating a real burger, I eat it whole. If I eat a restaurant burger, I often need to cut it in half.

The McDonald’s triple cheeseburgers aren’t really all that big. The regular patty for hamburgers and cheeseburgers are 10 to 1 (1/10 of a pound), so a triple isn’t even quite 1/3 pound. (And the calorie count for what sounds like a monster cheeseburger is a relatively sensible 510.) The large patties you see at gourmet places are usually at least a half pound.

There’s a place in Chicago called Kuma’s Corner that’s a heavy metal bar and burger place.
They used to have a picture of a little girl on their website stuffing this HUGE burger into her face with the caption “This girl is more metal than you, she doesn’t need to cut her burger”.
It was really cute.
Ah - found the image:

I’ll cut a large hamburger in half because I dislike getting stuff smeared on my cheeks while eating. I acknowledge that it’s slightly weird, though.

3/10 of a pound sounds like a nice-sized burger to me. It’s more weight than a quarter pounder, 4.8 oz. compared to 4 oz (before cooking, of course).

Yeah, right? It’s almost as if they think sex sells - that’s crazy talk!

Well, yes, it’s more than a quarter pounder, but it’s not one of these super-sized gourmet burgers.

Yeah, their patties are 10 oz. The cheapie little neighborhood bar by my place (Illinois Bar and Grill), their standard burgers are 13 oz, and their baby burger is 1/3 pound. I find that 1/2 pound is about standard for most pubs that specialize in burgers around here.

Just don’t think of that when you see the mayonnaise. Or the Jack Sauce. (Sorry. ‘Secret Sauce’.)

Yeah, my local dive burger joint (Goldyburger) does 1/2 pound as well. I think that’s a good size, at least for me. I can finish it and be very satisfied without feeling like I need to go lay down after.

You mean the “Good Morning Burger”? “We take eighteen ounces of sizzling ground beef, and then soak it in rich creamery butter. Then we top it off with bacon, ham and a fried egg.”

Actually, I just ate a 2/3-lb cheeseburger (well, 2 1/3-lb patties), and didn’t cut it in half. However, I can see a valid reason to cut a hamburger (on a standard bun) in half; it is much easier to dunk in BBQ sauce that way.