Those painful *twangs* in your ankles

Let’s say a middle-aged guy has been laying around after eating alot of turkey, watching TV, and at halftime some guys decide to throw around the football, so he goes outside, and when he takes off downfield, he gets a sharp, momentary pain in the ankle that goes away right away.

What did he just experience? Is there a name for it? (Besides “aging.” This happened sometimes when I was a kid, too.)

No idea, except that it might be the tendon in your ankle stretching, and then snapping (like a rubber band) over your ankle bone…

I had surgery to re-connect that tendon in high school (I’m the only person that I know of to suffer a serious ankle injury from astronomy! But that’s another story…), and ever since I had the tendon re-connected, I can rotate my ankle (and make the tendon drag over the ankle bone) and produce an amazingly loud POP!
Really grosses my fiancee out! Which, come to think of it, is the main reason I do it… does this say something about me?