Thoughts on "Word Power Made Easy" by Norman Lewis

I am taking the GRE’s in the fall, and a friend recommended this book to help me with my vocabulary. I am about a fourth of the way through, and although I believe this book definetly can improve vocabulary, I don’t think it’s really helping me with GRE words. Has anyone read this book before? Any thoughts?

I did really well on my GRE. I went to Borders and picked up Kaplan’s 2004 GRE edition. It costs 40 bucks but it comes with a wonderful disc that is simply incredible. The disc is basically like “Reader Rabbit” for algebra, trig, and sentence construction. Every single word in that book and disc was on the exam. Kaplan is simply amazing. The best 40 bucks I’ve ever spent. I took the GRE last year but I am sure they have a 2005 edition. Good luck. :wink:

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