Thread and Topic Bans in The Quarantine Zone

Topic Bans:

Board-wide topic ban for Bob_Blaylock for COVID-related matters.

After discussion in the mod loop, staff have decided to impose a board-wide topic ban on you. You are not permitted to discuss COVID-related matters or any aspect of this ongoing public health concern anywhere the board.

This is a message board that is dedicated to fighting ignorance. As such, we expect people to be open to persuasion about any matter they choose to discuss. In the Quarantine Zone, a forum about medicine and science pertaining to a novel coronavirus such as COVID, the foregoing comments demonstrate childish name-calling, silly film references and cherry-picked pictures of warning labels on a box. More is required for your arguments to be considered a good faith effort.

You’re allowed to be ignorant here, but not willfully so. You’ve demonstrated amply that your ignorance in this area of discussion is of the latter variety, with relentless posts consisting of jingoism and propaganda as noted above.

Again, please do not make any additional posts about this issue anywhere on the board. Ignoring these instructions will be grounds to take further action such as a temporary board suspension or a permanent ban.