Thread moved from Elections to IMHO?

The “Trump-Putin summer summit?” thread was recently moved from Elections to IMHO.

I’m curious about the reason given as I wasn’t aware that a debate topic was necessary for a thread to be in Elections. I thought Elections was

I don’t see anything in there about a debate being necessary and there are quite a few threads where no actual debate topic is given like Sanderista primaries out 10-term Dem Congressman or Michigan Gubernatorial Race or Harley moving some production outside of US due to EU tariffs or 2018 US midterm elections or The Fair Representation Act or Michael Grimm (R-NY, convict) wants his job back, for instance.

Also, the OP of the thread in question actually does end with a question that is debatable:

So why was this moved again?

I think the mods treat Elections the same as Great Debates, except that polls are allowed. Also, the mods will often let a non-debate OP stay in a debate forum if an actual debate ensues. If you read that thread, it didn’t look like anyone was actually debating after quite a few replies.

I’m not a mod but I think the thread should have stayed in Elections since that’ where the political junkies hang out and a discussion of the summit belongs in Elections, not in IMHO where it’s surrounded by threads about kittens and travel advice.

For example, we allow discussion of political books in Elections because the audience that’s likely to read them hangs out in Elections. Similarly, threads on sports books are in the Game Room since that’s the most likely target audience.