Post a coherent paragraph that makes use of several redundant acronyms. I’ll start.
I regularly read the SDMB message board (which is hosted on one of the BSD distributions) using a PC computer powered by 120V, 60Hz AC current. Images in the GIF format and files written in the HTML markup language are downloaded via the TCP/IP protocol, while programs with a GUI interface nearly max out my 256MB RAM memory.
I am indebted to Smeghead for this post in Cafe Society, which inspired this thread.
My users can’t tell the difference between their SAM ID, which they use to access COLTS in AFS or their LAN ID, which connects with AD-ENT to get them into MFA.
The OP poster’s computer has a NIC card to interface with his DSL line, but aesthetic and practical concerns required use of a wireless LAN network adapter connected to a LinkSys wireless router instead.
My favorite self-redundant acronym was Lyndon Johnson’s draft organization: F.A.I.R. = Fair And Impartial Random
But it was all adjectives- missing the noun! What a loser he was.
How about a redundant acronym incirporating other redundant acronyms? For instance, the acronym for the PC Computing, LAN Networking And NIC Card Association. We’ll call it the …