Thread of redundant acronyms

Post a coherent paragraph that makes use of several redundant acronyms. I’ll start.

I regularly read the SDMB message board (which is hosted on one of the BSD distributions) using a PC computer powered by 120V, 60Hz AC current. Images in the GIF format and files written in the HTML markup language are downloaded via the TCP/IP protocol, while programs with a GUI interface nearly max out my 256MB RAM memory.

I am indebted to Smeghead for this post in Cafe Society, which inspired this thread.

Wait a moment, I’ll just hop onto my user CP panel to subscribe to that thread, but I’ll be back in a second.

Wednesday when I was in CNKIA (Cincinnati) airport, I used my new PIN number in an ATM machine to take out a withdrawl from my American Express card. :slight_smile:

Note: CNKIA stands for Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport.

My users can’t tell the difference between their SAM ID, which they use to access COLTS in AFS or their LAN ID, which connects with AD-ENT to get them into MFA.


I was just wondering if the computer in the OP post had a NIC card or not?

Always engage in safe sex to avoid contracting the HIV virus.

I got 800’s on my SAT tests so I guess that means I have a rather high IQ quotient.

The OP poster’s computer has a NIC card to interface with his DSL line, but aesthetic and practical concerns required use of a wireless LAN network adapter connected to a LinkSys wireless router instead.

BOAC was he worlds best airline

My favorite self-redundant acronym was Lyndon Johnson’s draft organization: F.A.I.R. = Fair And Impartial Random
But it was all adjectives- missing the noun! What a loser he was.

How about a redundant acronym incirporating other redundant acronyms? For instance, the acronym for the PC Computing, LAN Networking And NIC Card Association. We’ll call it the …

PCLNNCA Association

At work we have to keep up with MSDS sheets.

And there’s the Dilbert strip about the TTP project, where TTP stands for “The TTP Project”