Threads on view in ATMB

I’ve noticed a funny thing. When I come into ATMB from another forum (using the drop-down navigation box), I see a few threads. For example, coming here from the Pit I saw three “regular” threads.

So I click on one of the threads, have a quick peruse, then click back to the ATMB forum page (again using the drop-down navigation box). I then see more threads in ATMB than there were when I last saw it only a minute previously. Today the number went up from three regular threads to seven.

On first entering the forum I saw:

**True Confessions of an SDMB Newbie

E-mail Notification

E-mail Notification (locked)**

And then having clicked into a thread and then back to the forum I saw:

**True Confessions of an SDMB Newbie

E-mail Notification

E-mail Notification (locked)

Just a sig test…move along

What is the likelihood of ever getting polls?

Does the SDMB time out with inactivity?

Why can’t you edit your posts? **

I’ve noticed this phenomenon happen a number of times. I’ve only noticed it in ATMB but that may simply be because it’s easier to spot in this smaller forum.

Just curious as to why it happens. Any one got any idea?

Look at the “from” box at the bottom of the thread list. When you come from the main page by clicking on the ATMB link, the number of days in the box is the ATMB default (2 days). If you come from another forum via the drop-down list, the number of days in the box will be taken from the originating forum.

Aha. Thanks Arnold.