How come the software allows me, in my profile, to correct the times I see so that I see them as BST (or as GMT when the clocks go back in October) — but I still have to endure that [Austrian town] mm/dd/yy format?!?!
We use dd/mm/yy over here, damnit! In fact, I suspect that dd/mm/yy is more widely used than both the other two formats combined…
The time-zone correction is a good touch, but it’s a pity that it’s only half the job…
Worldwide, other formats are more common, but not in America. Perhaps they just considered the US to be their primary market?
I would rather doubt that this is a browser-dependent thing: The browser has no way of knowing that a particular segment of text is a date, much less what format it’s supposed to be in.
It’s the default format per vB, our techs could probably change it but they said what the heck and went with the default, one less thing to think about.
And no, you can’t change it yourself, you can only adjust the time you see to suit your own time zone; Straight Dope Message Board time is Central Standard/Central Daylight Time.
your humble TubaDiva
Not affiliated with that Eastern time zone cabal.