Time has stopped!

According to my LaCrosse digital watch, it will, apparently, forever be 5:17:38 pm on December 24.

I had no idea digital watches could stop. It’s the kind that’s supposed to receive a radio time signal and never need setting.

Anyone ever heard of such a thing or should I look for Rod Serling?

This is the part where everyone stops posting here for a few hours, thus progressively freaking Neidhart out.

In fact, pretend that this post doesn’t exi

Funny that it stopped at 5:17 PM, because right now, it’s only 4:48 PM!!!

“Neidhart… Neidhart… Neidhart…! I am the Ghost of Christmas Past.”

[Neidhart]“Long past…?”[/Neidhart]

" Well, 'ow the ‘ell would You know mate? Yer bloomin’ watch popped its clogs…!"