Hey, if survivor could do it…
I move we start with a pool consisting of the runner-ups and final Philiminees (just 2nd, 3rd & 4th, none of the winners) from the previous five seasons. Reasons for this:
- All have shown what they’re made of, and the show would be compelling
- The winners of each race already have their million
- It eliminates Flo from even being considered, A GOOD THING!
That gives us:
From TAR1:
Frank & Margarita (reconciling couple)
Joe & Bill (Team Guido)
Kevin & Drew (The original wiseasses)
From TAR2:
Tara & Wil (The original abuse couple)
Blake & Paige (down homey brother and sister)
Oswald & Danny (The Cuban Team Guido)
From TAR3:
Teri & Ian (Abuse, like everything, gets better with age)
Ken & Gerard (Wunza homo, his brother ain’t)
Derek & Drew (dumb-as-two-posts twin brothers)
From TAR4:
Kelly & Jon (she was the redhead always ready to collapse)
David & Jeff (two guys who have left no impression whatsoever on your memory)
Jon & Al (The clowns)
From TAR5:
Colin & Christie (C&C Abusic Factory)
Brandon & Nicole (Team Blue Lagoon)
Linda & Karen (Bowling Moms)
So eliminate three or four to get to 11 or 12 teams. Or, elminate more and add your favorite also-rans.
My picks:
Everyone from seasons 1 and 5. How could you not?
Lose Tara & Wil, and Oswald & Danny (redundant, once you have Team Guido and C&C). Keep Blake & Paige, I liked them.
So now I need to eliminate 1 or 2 teams from Seasons 3 or 4. Hmmmm…
Teri and Ian might seem redundant, but could provide an important life lesson for Christie and Nicole, and what’s AR without life lessons?
Ken & Gerard might come across as a hybrid of Team Guido and Kevin and Drew. They weren’t bad, but I’m booting them.
And of course Jon & Al need to stay, they were great.
So it’s down to Kelly & Jon, or David & Jeff, or Derek & Drew. I didn’t like Kelly but they did well, and David & Jeff were good competitors who might be able to give Colin a run for his money. Why do the twin teams always come off so dumb? I boot Derek & Drew.
So mine’s an 11-team race (I always preferred those) consisting of:
Frank & Margarita
Joe & Bill
Kevin & Drew
Blake & Paige
Teri & Ian
Kelly & Jon
David & Jeff
Jon & Al
Colin & Christie
Brandon & Nicole
Linda & Karen
So all that’s left is, Where do they start, Where do they go, what do they have to do, and who wins?