Time to celebrate SDMB November birthdays!

You have the exact same birthday as my brother… day, month, and year. Pity you weren’t born in Vancouver, too. :wink:

I can’t believe I made the list! Thanks cityboy916

A hearty happy birthday to my fellow Novemberites.

I’ll be 44 this year.

That’s funny - I turned 30 LAST year on Thanksgiving! I went to Vegas and spent it in a tattoo shop…perhaps not up your alley, but it was loads of fun!

Happy birthdays, all!!

That’s funny, I am planning to spend my 50th birthday in a tattoo parlor!

(I just refuse to go quietly)

Now that’s funny. I love tattoos, and can’t wait to get my next. But, actually, I must wait to get my next 'cause I’m preggers, and my guy won’t do it now. (It’s going to be a ring of dancing fairies around my ankle, each one progressively more pregnant. It’s a celebration of Motherhood, so I suppose it makes sense to have it done right after I have a baby.)

Yeah. I changed it from Elenia25, in the summer of *this * year. I’m a little slow on these things. :smiley:

Hee! You think you’re slow…I’m 21 with 7 years experience. :wink:

I’ll be 44. I was 45 last year but i’ve decided to start counting backwards.

I’ll be 24 on the 13th.

Well. Seems like we share a birthday. So, how you doing? :wink:

And if you think 29 is old, try 41 on for size… :frowning: I could swear I was 18 just a few months ago - where have all the years gone? :confused:

Yup. Thanks again!


Never touch the stuff…

Turkey that is, I’ll take the drinking any day :smiley:

48 today. I want to take back what America got me.

Hooray for November birthdays! And the first half is better, 'cause Scorpios rule! :wink:

On a realted note…how do you know my birthday? Do you have cameras in my apartment? :confused: :eek:

Happy Birthday to all November born dopers!

You must have either posted it or put it in your profile at some point… it was in the list that was given to me. :slight_smile:

The goat was tapped :smiley:

The goat was wearing a wire tap :smiley:

Hey, how did both of those posts get posted? I did a “stop action” on the first one, because I thought the second one sounded better, then when I realized the first one had posted, I tried to stop the second one. . .damn it sucks to get old!

It’s actually the good thing the second one went through, because with the first I was picturing a goat with a beer tap on it. Mmmmm…fresh goat juice!


You know, being 30 just doesn’t feel real. Like the universe told a joke but I don’t get it. It must be some kind of meta joke.
In French you’re not ninety, you’re eighty-ten. Sort of. If it weren’t for the fact I’d leap to 2010 I wouldn’t mind calling myself twenty-ten.