Time to tell the music industry to

fuck off?
Now they’re saying that if I buy a CD, put it on my mac, then on my iPod, I’m stealing.
I buy CDs just to put them on my iPod.

Could you give us a link to a news story here? How can it be stealing to rip your own CDs to your own computer and put them on your own ipod?

Well, if you’re not stealing, why are you complaining? Seems pretty suspicious to me. :wink:

Yeah. The “Music Industry”. I’m surprised they don’t try to tax our ears for listening to the radio, since they pay so much to foist that crap onto the airwaves.

Fuck them, Fuck everyone and especially fuck Lars Ulrich.

Linky to a latest story. (via Fark)

Yup, the industry is really reaching here. . . As if they could invest their time and energy into developing newer technologies to get ahead of those that have caught up with them, they’d rather sue the bajeezus out of you.

Yeah, I thought they were reaching long when they started sending out those letters citing action–basically an extortion ploy that people fell for. This is just the latest story in an absurd string.

My God, I can’t even rip my CDs to make mixes anymore. :rolleyes:

Thanks, Tripler, for that. I was getting frustrated trying to find it.
Now I can eat my cold dinner. :stuck_out_tongue:

Huh. I always thought the “R” in “RIAA” stood for “recording.” Now I’m convinced it really stands for “retarded.”

That is fucking outrageous bullshit. I have hated the music industry since the days when you had to buy an entire album to get one or two decent songs. It seems like they just like thinking up new ways to make people hate them. And these assholes depend on people like me who actually have a conscience and pay for the music we listen to, instead of stealing it.

Assholes. Well, fuck 'em; I almost never buy CDs anymore anyhow. Itunes is my friend.

Drudge Report baby. They have links to most everything breaking.

Exactly that: the latest in a series of desperate grabs by an industry that thinks it can litigate its way out of impending (and well-earned) obsolescence.

I almost feel pity. On the other hand, fuck 'em.

You can’t? Is that a rhetorical statement or is there really a problem?

(I’m really asking, since I have yet to meet a CD that I can’t rip.)


Exactly that.

That’s about as sensible as proposing flash drives and MP3 players be subject to a special levy just in case the owner is illegally copying songs. Which is what the industry is proposing in Canada…

And these are the same fucktards who pay money to have their ‘artists’ broadcast for free on radio…

Let me state unequivocally that I am absolutely, 100% pro paying artists for their music, talent, and efforts. I am also 100% against giving another penny to the recording industry. Buh-bye, guys - you’re the next typewriter manufacturers. Give it up already and go find real jobs instead of trying to hamstring my Mac.

So, let me ask you this. If someone puts together a mix CD for their significant other as a birthday or anniversary present, is that stealing?


My husband, an avid CD buyer has hundreds of CDs, DVDs and games (all legally purchased), but since he travels so much he burnt them onto a portable hard disk (he would need an extra suit case to travel with all his DVDs, CDs and games. We keep all the CDs at home and don’t even use them (I am not so big on music, or games and can only watch a movie so many times). So, is this now illegal?

This is just insane. What’s next? Not being able to lend a friend the actual DVD? I strongly support copyright, being myself a producer of intellectual property, but this is taking it too far.

It was rhetorical. I’ve got three computers in the house with which to rip and mix as I see fit. But, the problem is that sooner or later, the RIAA will find a way to sue my ass for thinking about Zeppelin’s Black Dog or charge me $25.12 for every bar of Kashmir I hum to myself.

In the near future: they’re going to start charging me an ‘access fee’ for pulling my legally-owned CD off my media rack. :mad:

Coming next: “You’ll be able to listen to our music if you step into this little room, but you have to sign this non-disclosure agreement that you will never tell anyone what you heard. Failure to comply will result in swift and painful execution.”

Yes, and everyone is guilty. :wink:

And if you follow the link under the link you posted, you get to this:

Pretty sloppy of him, especially considering he’s a lawyer.