Sorry for the public paging - but there’s no e-mail associated with your user ID here, and no way on Pyroto that I know of to contact you.
I have some comments on the game - particularly the quality of questions therein - that I would very much like to discuss with you. If you’re willing, please e-mail me (my mail address appears in the icon above).
Bricker, do you have a game scheduled at any point in the near future? I need a good, easy way to bump my posts up to 200. The first 100 seemed so easy…
Sala, can’t you count?!? I said NO camels! That’s FIVE camels!
I just want to go on the record and aver that if someone has a high-quality, good-value product or service, advertising on the SDMB is the very best marketing investment available in the world today. You think they have threads about the advertisers over at Yahoo? People offering their help improving the advertised products and services? Puleeze.
The Straight Dope delivers high income, intelligent, discerning, loyal consumers at a rate unavailable anywhere on the internet.
Timothy Campbell is the original designer of the BBS door game Pyroto, which has, like the Phoenix, risen from the ashes of dial-up BBSes into a new Internet incarnation at
This isn’t quite the same as Three Minute Mysteries, being a combination of trivia quiz, Avalon Hill Diplomacy, SimMountain, and MPSIMS doubled and redoubled.
Check it out…
As to your question… this morning the boards were deadly slow. I’ve seen that before, and knew it was only a matter of time before a crash… so playing a 3MM game was not the right answer.
Good point, Manhatten. In fact, if I may paraphrase Tim’s earlier post, Pyroto actually suspended their advertising here temporarily because it was too effective - that is, there were too many people coming over too quickly, and there was some concern about the effect on the game.
In my view, this is a rather dramatic endorsement of the Straight Dope’s demographics and advertising prowess: advertise here, it seems, and you just may be innundated with more responses than you can handle!
Okay, it’s for a good cause, so I’ll go with the beer ad idea, but I’m afraid the line will have to be drawn at accepting any ads from Anheuser-Busch.
I mean, I’m not sure how they do it in the first place, but I think it’s just plain cruel of them to make all of those cats squat over all of those bottles.
Occupation:Wish granting
Location: I’m still stuck in this damn bottle in Cocoa Beach, Fla.
Interests: Getting Major Nelson in trouble, getting Major Nelson out of trouble
–Custom profile courtesy of UncleBeer
I never hate myself in the morning. I sleep till noon.
–Custom sig line courtesy of Wally
[hijack but it bumps and thus serves the greater good]
Stop that. It tastes even worse when you snarf it. Actually, in the interest of accuracy, the piss beer I’m currently drinking is not made by Anheiser-Busch. It’s called “Murphy’s Irish Amber,” and is made by the disingenuous commie bastards at Heineken. An innocent beer snob I, I decided to give this Irish amber a try. “Irish amber,” thought I, “can’t be bad.” To my great sorrow, the truth came too late.
[/hijack but it bumps and thus serves the greater good]
“Are you frightened of snakes?”
“Only when they dress like werewolves.”