Tina Yothers

What gives? I’m surfing the net, looking to join a Tina Yothers fan club, and you’re never going to believe this, one does not exist!! What is this world coming to when the biggest star of the 80’s doesn’t have a forum for her fans to discuss her rise to stardom as well as her many roles of distiction such as Jennifer on Family Ties and…well, that’s about her only role of distiction, but it’s still an outrage that she doesn’t get the respect she deserves. Even Pam Dawber has a fan site for chrissakes! What about Tina?

::Wipes tears from eyes::

What about poor Tina?

You don’t even want to know what kinds of fan clubs certain members of this board have been able to dredge up.

It’s a small wonder I haven’t gone crazy because of a certain one.

Coming soon to a sig line near you!
Relive the mundane highs, the flaming lows, and the pointless posts in between. Announcing the debut of the best of Mullinator.

Because it’s not just a sig, it’s an adventure.

Last I heard of Tina Yothers was her playing Tanya Harding in a Comedy Central special. (I’m not certain about the Comedy Central but I am certain that’s who she was playing)

Nothing is so bad that it can’t get worse.

Last I heard, she was being lampooned on South Park, which never does much for a career…

Yer pal,


Five days, 15 hours, 5 minutes and 49 seconds.
225 cigarettes not smoked, saving $28.14.
Life saved: 18 hours, 45 minutes.

By curiosity, I did a search on Tina Yothers, and found out she’s in a band called “Jaded” that just performed live at a Virgin Megastore in a shopping mall 20 minutes away from my house, on Saturday 25 March 2000! Oh, the missed opportunities.

I’ll keep an eye out for the next live appearance of her band, “Jaded”.

After checking out the Jaded site, I can see that Tina looks just as good as ever. It’s no surprise that a woman with talents as awe-inspiring and multidimensional as Ms. Yothers would be in a band. I feel confident that Carson Daly will be announcing their video as the top requested video on TRL any day now. I’m just giddy with anticipation. Thanks for the link. I haven’t had a Tina Yothers fix for days now, and I was starting to get the shakes.

Oh, Arnold…when will they be in the Chicago area?

Do they do a cover of “Mr. Sandman”? Because in that episode of “Family Ties” when she has a band and they do that song…gosh, Tina Yothers is so talented.

I can’t believe she gave up an acting career. Directors must have been banging down her door.

I never hate myself in the morning. I sleep till noon.
–Sig line courtesy of Wally :slight_smile:

Looking further at the Jaded site, I see

Friday, April 28 - 9PM
The Boogie - Anaheim, CA

Even though I personally think that The Boogie is a dive, I might just go down there to check it out, especially if I get a complimentatry pass! I will apprise the board of further developments (if any.)

Sorry Jeannie, don’t see any planned concerts in the Chicago area.


I think I have an answer for you. Acting was no longer a challenge for Tina. After perfecting her craft she just lost interest. It’s somewhat like the situation when Michael Jordan retired the first time to try his hand at baseball only to return to basketball, the game that he dominated. I’m sure Tina will be much more successful at music than Jordan was at baseball, duh, with a voice like that there’s a 100% chance that she will be, but I hope someday she returns to her life as a sitcom superstar. One can only dream.


You know, if Jodi Sweetin can have a fan site, then why not Tina Yothers?

Personally, I’ve always liked Andrea Barber, who played Kimmy Gibler on Full House. Even she has a fan site.

The Legend Of PigeonMan

  • Shadow of the Pigeon -
    Weirdo of the Night

What ever happened to Nelly from Little House on the Prairie? Now there was a talent!

Pardon me while I burst into flames.

Actually, Nellie Olsen’s doing amazing stuff. She’s a stand-up comedienne! I kid ye not. She’s cute too.

The Legend Of PigeonMan

  • Shadow of the Pigeon -
    Weirdo of the Night

Tina Yothers, like, usta hang out at the mall, y’know, like, where I usta work and stuff? Like, at this totally groddy acrade and stuff? Totally embarrassing. Anyway, I, like, gave her change once, it was totally tripindicular! She was, like, y’know, so like a totally normal person, but she, like, didn’t like to, y’know, brush her hair and stuff? Ohmigod! It was, like, totally disfuncional.
This was, like, in the 80’s, y’know, like, everything was just, like, soooo bitchin’!
A girl