I can’t decide whether this is important or not, perhaps you can help.
I am scheduled for surgery Friday at noon, a laperoscopy (sp), not major surgery, I know. I have had this surgery before about 7 years ago so I’m not especially concerned or anything. It’s day surgery, in fact, and I expect to be home in my own bed by dinnertime.
The question is this, I developed a sore throat yesterday. And although I gargled with salt water and took some Neo Citran last night I awoke this morning with a throat too sore to swallow. No fever, though my head was clogged up yesterday morning.
It’s not the flu, I’ve had my shot (I’m a caregiver for someone at risk). I think it’s just the onset of a winter cold.
The question is, does this matter? Should I call my doctor and inform him of this development or just pray it goes away before Friday at noon.
I waited two months to see the surgeon of my choice and another two months for the surgery to be scheduled and the thought they might postpone it is what’s keeping me from making the call.
How important is this? How be if I just tell them when I arrive at the hospital?
Don’t be dumb. Call the doctor and tell him. ALSO tell them when you get to the hospital, especially if your cold gets worse by then. It might make a difference as to what medications they give you. For sure, don’t take any OTC the cold medicine before you go, probably WAG at least 12 hours previous. Are you having this done with general anesthesia or a local?
If your nose is plugged up from a cold, they’ll need to be aware of that.
Shoot, I left out the most important thing: fever. If you have a temp Friday morning, they may want to reschedule you. For sure, they need to know you have a feverish cold BEFORE they get you prepped.
And don’t try to bring it down with aspirin the night before, aspirin thins your blood, I bet the doc won’t be happy to hear you’ve been taking aspirin all night, the day before you have surgery.
Not a doctor, just a mom who’s had a lot of sick kids…
First, don’t ask us. Call the doctor or if you can’t get him, call the hospital info line. It’s quite alright to reschedule.
Also, with a throat like that, don’t you think you’d want to be able to breathe during surgery?
Every doctor is supposed to give the patient a paper before surgery informing the patient what to do. Are you saying you didn’t get a paper? BEtter get a new doctor.
It is probably not a big deal. Things to beware of would be if you were coughing up anything esp. yellow-greenish crud, or if you were running any fever. It would then be best to reschedule. The other problem is that you will be intubated i.e. have a breathing tube placed into your trachea. This can cause a sore throat post operatively (sometimes severe) which may exacerbate what you already have. If it were me, I would wait and see how I felt Friday morning and decide. If my throat were still sore, I’d notify the surgeon and reschedule.