Tips and recommendations on applying for PhD graduate programs

I am in the process of applying to graduate schools. Are there any general recommendations, hints, or tips on applying to a PhD program (I only have a BA so far)?

I’ll give more specifics later but was wondering whether there’s anything general about the process (or it may be that it all depends on what program, which university, what academic area, etc.).

I’d especially love to hear from professors/admissions people.


If at all possible, choose a school that has more than one professor who you’d be willing to have as an advisor. My life was misery for a year in graduate school, because I didn’t do this and ended up not getting along with my advisor. In the end, I left my PhD program with only a master’s degree.

If you visit the school before making your decision (highly recommended, if possible), try to meet with your prospective advisor(s). Try to meet with some of their current or former grad students, too.