Tips for eating grapefruit

My band did the grapefruit fundraiser as well. Wonder if anyone still does that…

I’m another peeler and eater - with grapefruits you really have to get all the white stuff off the outside (the pith?) because it’s so bitter, but I don’t see the need for sugar on grapefruit, either - it has such a lovely flavour on its own.

for those who sweeten their grapefruit (which seems like a minority around here), try this: Brown Sugar. You’d think this is totally weird, but it works.

Yes. The bands around here sell Indian River citrus fruit every fall. I ate an entire crate of grapefruit by myself over the month of December, because nobody else in the house likes it.

Testify, Eleanor. The bands are still selling it. I still have some from the last sale.

A little salt sweetens a grapefruit. I have a grapefruit knife to cut the segments.

Another popular way of eating grapefruit was to top a half with a smidge of butter and a sprinkling of brown sugar, then to broil it for a minute. It seems to be an older way of enjoying grapefruit, don’t know if many people do it anymore… might have gone the way of velveeta, jello salad, and spam :wink:

The heat seemed to really release the juice and some flavors and it ate differently than a cold grapefruit.