Tips for Surviving This Time of Year?

emmaliminal, your whole post was some really fantastic advice. I didn’t even know they made cashmere socks, I’ll have to try and find some! As for the posters who recommended tanning beds, I also find that this helps me immensely - the warmth stays with you for awhile. I always get some funny looks when I go because I’m half-indian and not white, but hey, it works.

This year, I think I’m going to try escapism - I’ve signed up to NaNoWriMo, where hopefully writing 50k words in the month of November will keep me distracted enough that I won’t even notice the cold and dark outside. And I’m so going to find some cashmere socks. They sound fabulous and my feet always get cold!

Here’s what I do and it really works for me!

Go to your local hardware, lightbulb department, look for regular shaped UV bulbs, (will go in regular lamps and fixtures), that are intended to be good for your houseplants.

It’s not as powerful as a lightbox, but it’s also much more affordable, (about $6 a bulb where I live), buy two or three. Put them into the light fixtures you are most exposed to, where you spend the most of your time. It’s easy to do as they are interchangeable with normal incandescent bulbs. The light is slightly different but not noticeable, you’ll quickly adjust, I promise. Best is the lights you have always on when you are at home. Bonus; your houseplants will also thrive!

Next buy brighter lightbulbs for all your lightfixtures, go to 60 or 100 watts if they can take it. When home turn on all the lights in your house, and open all the curtains wide. Yeah, it will mean a little more work before you leave, to shut them all off. And maybe a little more electric usage but so would a light box. I swear by this, it really works for me.

In your non-enclosed fixtures, try compact fluorescents. You can go a lot brighter with far fewer watts. (Enclosed fixtures eat CF bulbs like peanuts, though.) I have overdone this once or twice – my home office was super-bright for a week or so, with two 43-watt CFs (equivalent to something like 300 watts in conventional bulbs) in the ceiling fixture before I downgraded. The goggles did nothing.

:o Thank you!

If you get them at normal retail, they’re pretty expensive, on the order of $30-70 a pair. Be warned that less expensive ones may say ***CASHMERE!!! ***all over the front of the package, and something like “85% microfiber 10% silk 5% nylon 3% used truck tires 2% cashmere” on the back. 80% cashmere is about as low-content as I’d go.

Found a link for DIY SAD lightboxes. Note the safety warnings in the linked post.

I honestly hate the idea of increasing my dosage. I just feel like the more I’ll take the more I’ll need simply to feel mediocre. I can’t explain it very well, but there was a time 20mg was good enough, now I need 30mg just to not freak out, so is 40mg just going to increase my dependency or will it actually make me happier for a substantial amount of time? Plus I’m not sure I like the idea of certain symptoms becoming even worse.

Anyway - I will make an appointment with my GP about all this.

emmaliminal - I ruined the look of my cashmere cardigan through hot-water washes. However it’s still lovely and warm…

On beautiful summer days, I feel depressed.

On cold, overcast and rainy fall days, I feel at peace.

I never understood that.

I LOVE this time of year in New England!

Get an Aerogarden

Seriously. It turns the light on automatically, and turns it off automatically and is full spectrum. I have mine on my bedside table, so it acts like one of those really expensive lights that gently wakes you up and turns off at bedtime, but you get veggies/herbs/flowers from it. Flowers are good for cheering people up, herbs are tasty, and if you get cherry tomatoes, you get nibbles =) You can even play music and talk to plants … :smiley:

Really, no SAD going on here, I havent felt sludgy yet this year, in the 9 or so months I have had mine.

I have a Litebook that I like a lot. It’s small and portable. I also find exercise to be super important–half an hour of cardio does the trick–and taking a 50mg 5-HTP every day seems to keep me on an even keel.

I have a dawn simulation lamp that I like a lot. I have it set up so that it shines right in my face every morning. It’s a full-spectrum bulb and works pretty well for me.

Caveat–I don’t suffer from depression, and I quite like winter, but I cannot wake up without light. Without the lamp, I have a hard time getting up at 8am. With it, I’m up at 6.20.

I have a light, but I haven’t brought it out yet this year. I really should, seeing as I’m feeling the effects of SAD quite a bit - both in the last week and at this very moment.

Medication and light helps, but the best thing for me is to get out of bed, go out and do stuff, no matter how much I don’t want to. Lack of energy follows from lack of energy; getting moving also feeds on itself.

Of course, giving advice is much easier than acting on it. I should have gone out for a coffee or something before I wasted my entire evening sitting around.

I’m backwards too. Hot, sunny days make me miserable. I feel good when it’s cold, even if it’s dreary. I like rainy days.

Since moving last winter into the world’s darkest house, I’ve noticed some light deprivation depression, though. I have a lot of plants, so have a bunch of full-spectrum lights installed. It still doesn’t feel as good as my former sunny place.

Candles in the evenings can make things feel cosier and more cheerful. Northern Europeans seem to use a lot.

I should be getting a Litebook any day now. Hope it helps!

Do people find that the lights help much? Studies show that over a third of people in the northern states coast to coast suffer from SAD, but no one really talks about it, so you don’t hear much about what works and what doesn’t.

I LOVE this time of year! I like burrowing in during the cold dark evening, I like preparing for winter coming like a squirrel gathering nuts. Warm, prepared (DVDs, books, hobbies, food), and comfy. ( I hate summer - the endless heat, the enforced fun! fun! fun! - no, I don’t go to the beach, the nearest one is 200 miles away, no, I don’t have a swimming pool, no, I don’t have fun! - too busy sweating and trying to breathe, thanks.)…I agree so much about the cashmere! All my big bulky sweaters feel like big stiff itchy boxes now. I look for cashmere at the thrift stores, and after two years I’ve accumulated over a dozen, mostly black, several colors - even some without moth holes! I honestly can say I don’t know how I got along not wearing cashmere sweaters in cold weather all these years (ok, I wasn’t going to pay $100). Being comfortable is important during those times of the year you hate - and while I haven’t gone all sloppy-sweatpants, I save my tight jeans for show for outside, not lounging around…As for holidays: after all these years, I’ve decided to stop sweating it. Can’t avoid buying cooking serving the big stinking turkey on Thanksgiving (that nobody really wants but It Must Be Done), I’m just gonna do it - buy the thing and some simple side dishes, throw it in the oven, hack apart. If Martha Stewart is coming over and wants exotic cranberry salads, radish roses for decoration, and fifteen home-made desserts - have at it,Martha, I’ve done my part! … Two things: have a plan of what to do every day and follow it. (I’m not working right now, but I have A Plan of stuff to do every day, it’s awful to sit there or flounder around wondering what should I do now). And have something to look forward to every day, even if it’s your favorite TV show or a mocha latte at the drive through. And exercise is good, I have a treadmill and it comes in very handy!

Not to hijack the thread any more, but Yes! Sit inside on a cold, dark winter afternoon, snow falling, leather couch warm from my body, absorbed in a good book and puffing on a cigar. I’ll take that any day over summer!

As to the light box, my sister swears by hers.

Can I bump this thread? I feel ten times worse.

Work is stressful, I’m lonely and I miss a lot about my life 6 months ago - as much as it pains me to admit it I have come to rely on the friendship of my ex and feel somewhat ignored by him at the moment - and it’s even fucking darker.

Exercise, cooking…I just can’t bring myself to do it properly.

I have a friend visiting this weekend, but I will go swimming this Sunday or the weekend after.

Looking over a long period of time will definitely make anyone - myself included - feel like they haven’t done enough to make them feel better. Ack, I only exercised 3 days last week (when I shot for 6!)

Take it one day at a time. You said Sunday you’ll go swimming - that’s great! What do you have planned for today, Thursday? Can you pick out a really fun recipe and make it for dinner? If you can’t make it to the store beforehand to gather what you need, plan it for Friday. Make exercise your priority either Thursday or Friday. Just plan for those two days, and you’ll naturally look forward to them. Also, have a good snack before working out - I know if I miss mine, I feel crappy and tired while trying to exercise. I like a small bit of oatmeal with some dried cranberries. If I’m at work, something portable, like a yogurt and crackers. Eating a snack also puts me in a good frame of mind - I’m eating this to work out in an hour, mmmmm.

If you can’t bring yourself to do either just yet (which is completely okay), try the tanning bed. Slather on enough sunscreen for your skin type, and have at it. For me, this is one of the most bang-for-your-buck options this time of year.

Let us know how it goes, I’m sending good thoughts your way :slight_smile:

I bought a daylight lamp for hobby purposes and discovered that it’s great for my hybernation.

I can tell it’s raining by whether I’m half asleep… the lamp wakes me right up, and the effects last for half an hour to one hour (depending on how dreary it is) after switching it off.

I used to do things like that. Cook, bake, etc. I mean, it’s called comfort food for a reason. Well, I put on 15 pounds in about 3 months one year…

I’m trying exercise and occasional (like once every couple week) tanning. The tanning also keeps the psoriasis in check. (Along with other things)

I keep my “sunshine box” on for about 5-6 hrs while I’m at work. If it’s been a really dark, cold spell, I’ll keep it on almost all day. Also recommend exercise and antidepressants.