titanic barbeque

did anyone else watch titanic on sunday? it was on BBC1.
even if not, im assuming youve all seen it. what a crock of fucking shit and i never noticed it before. right, theres dicaprio + winslet in and out of freezing water for at least 40
minutes before the ship goes down (which we’ll get to in a moment), but its
only after theyre at sea after its sunk they start to feel the effects of
cold shock syndrome, ie you start to die. the motherfucker even picks up
some keys from underwater and unlocks a gate from the otherside! ever try
buttoning a shirt after 20 minutes outside in the cold? this is impossible
to do, you could not control your fingers to any degree to do that. plus.
there seems to be a great deal of electricity running in and out of said
water. cold water conducts that shit like a motherfucker, you would fry, not
including the fact your hearts already stopped from the freezing temperature
of the water youre in.
the band playing on? fuck that.
ship goes down. theyre on the back of it. 'swim kate swim. the suction would
pull us down otherwise!"
fucking dead right. even the back half of titanic is gonna displace, ooo,
about a million gallons of water, creating a shitload of drag that even when
its filled itself in and restored equilibrium, youve drownded long ago. and
how the fuck does some trampy bastard like dicaprio know about the physics
of that shit anyway. its 1912 yo. and nobody would be able to swim,
rich people are pigs
the only redeeming features i saw were:
did anyone else watch titanic on sunday? even if not, im assuming youve all
seen it. what a crock of fucking shit and i never noticed it before. right,
theres dicaprio + winslet in and out of freezing water for at least 40
minutes before the ship goes down (which we’ll get to in a moment), but its
only after theyre at sea after its sunk they start to feel the effects of
cold shock syndrome, ie you start to die. the motherfucker even picks up
some keys from underwater and unlocks a gate from the otherside! ever try
buttoning a shirt after 20 minutes outside in the cold? this is impossible
to do, you could not control your fingers to any degree to do that. plus.
there seems to be a great deal of electricity running in and out of said
water. cold water conducts that shit like a motherfucker, you would fry, not
including the fact your hearts already stopped from the freezing temperature
of the water youre in.
the band playing on? fuck that.
ship goes down. theyre on the back of it. 'swim kate swim. the suction would
pull us down otherwise!"
fucking dead right. even the back half of titanic is gonna displace, ooo,
about a million gallons of water, creating a shitload of drag that even when
its filled itself in and restored equilibrium, youve drownded long ago. and
how the fuck does some trampy bastard like dicaprio know about the physics
of that shit anyway. its 1912. and nobody would be able to swim,
rich people are pigs
the CGI shots dont match up to the real shots colour wise
the only redeeming features i saw were:

  1. winslets tits
  2. dicaprio dies
  3. bernard hill fucking mans it when the ship goes down and ruins his shit.

i want to see a film where maggie smith gets fucking punched in the face.and judi dench i know neither are in titanic, but yo.
this is a cunts film. avoid like the plague

:slight_smile: You seem upset.

Yeah, I agree about the cold water. A few minutes in near-freezing water and you’re in trouble. And even if you just got your clothes soaking wet, then sat around in cold air, you’d still be in big trouble.

Not sure I agree about the danger of electrocution. It seems that all the water would be at the same potential (unless you were very close to a live wire) and that there wouldn’t be any flow of current through your body. But I’m not positive.

I thought the CGI was pretty good. The sets were awesome. Kate looks sexy. But it doesn’t come close to making up for the bad acting, bad story, and Leo’s amazing antifreeze blood.

I can’t believe that I spent 20 minutes trying to get a thread open, and it was this shit. That movie was released in 1997, for fuck’s sake!

And no, I haven’t seen it. Some people have the wits not to watch a crock of shit if they don’t like the way it semells.

The post editing sucked. I swear I saw the same scene more than once

“Spell binding.”

Binding. b-i-n-d-i-n-g Binding.

I thought it was a pretty good flick. Who cares that it doesn’t follow reality exactly? That’s why it’s on the shelf as fictional/drama.

Also, I really don’t mean for this to sound rude, could you make a slight effort to capitalize. I understand that people make mistakes, but no capitalization makes your rant extremely difficult to read.

Sorry I Will Capitalize From Now On. Preview is my friend. Im not sure why it ran twice on the OP, and Nametag, what the hell did you think i was posting about? im aware it came out in 97. i havent seen it since then and it was on telly the other night.

Coming Soon! rants about practical magic and other dogshit romcoms from the late 90s i havent seen!

Umm a couple of things.

Do you remember that cook who was on the back rail with Kate and Leo? ONe of the cooks really did go back there and he was one of the very few rescued from teh water. He claimed that he never got his hiar wet. So your bitch about the suction is a bit off base. Not unlike your bitch about the band playing on, which they did in RL.

About the water inside the ship.

I’ve always wondered about electic shocks for those two but I always thought that the water inside the ship would be a bit warmer than the water outside the ship because the ship itself was warm.

It had kathy Bates, and she had her clothes on.

Nuff said.

Damn, I thought this was about *** REALLY BIG*** tailgate party…

Actually, there was an awful lot in Titanic that was historically accurate. To wit:

Agreed, this was quite a bit of artistic license. But it is known that there were people who were below decks in the water and still managed to make it above decks (although survived is another story).

Again, a bit of artistic license, but it is a fact that the lights on Titanic stayed on for an eerily long time, which was portrayed accurately in the film. As to whether or not it would have electrocuted anyone in the water, it might have to do with the technology in 1912 - perhaps it wasn’t the life-threatening wattage it is today? I couldn’t say.

This is also a fact - the band did indeed play for quite some time during the evacuation, and there have been many reports from survivors of hearing them continuing to play when the lifeboats have left the ship. What, exactly, they played for their last song is a subject of some debate, but the generally accepted tune was “Nearer My God To Thee.”

As already pointed out, this was a fallacy.


Actually there was quite a bit of gallantry by the wealthy men who stayed behind. Jacob Astor was attributed as saying, “We have lived as gentlemen, and by God we shall die as gentlemen.” (paraphrased). One couple (name escapes me) decided to stay onboard and die together and gave up their seats to others. Certainly this wasn’t true of every first class passenger, but there were some standouts.

Esprix, a bit of a Titanic-phile

Titanic was a very unbelievable movie.

First, Kate Winslet has The Bug Eyes…they’re bigger than cue balls. You mean to say no one cashed in their ticket after one sight o’ That totem of disaster? (I was only in the theatre and I was sorely tempted)

Next was all that Damned Celine Dion singing. How more people didn’t jump ship prior to the 'berg hitting with that Claxon going off I’ll Never know. (ruined me best shirt with blood from my ears, it did.)

…Besides, everybody knows the Titanic was really sunk with a 1920’s deathray.