I needed some AA batteries yesterday and picked up the new Everyready titanium batteries and got a bit of a surprise when they rang up at twice the cost of the regular batteries.
Obviously, I can’t tell if my flashlight is working more, or better, or anything, I just know that instead of a four dollar purchase for four batteries, I paid EIGHT dollars for four!!
Anyone know if this is just a new hype, or are these babies gonna last me forever?? Okay, maybe just a tad longer than the regular batteries??
I just saw something on TV about this. I wasn’t really watching the show, just saw part of it so I can’t remember what it was. As I remember, they will last you longer but they broke it down to cost per use and they weren’t a bargain, normal alkaline batteries have a lower cost-to-use ratio.
According to Popular Science, they lasted anywhere from 60-70% longer than typical batteries when tested in electronics such as digital cameras. This was a few months ago, and I don’t remember which month the article was in, but if you cared enough I guess you could look it up.
Thanks for your quick answers, and I’ll just take your word for it, Jophiel!! I could see, for delicate camera equipment why you might invest in a higher price battery, but with a flashlight? It’s most likely gonna die when I need it, no matter WHICH battery is in there.