Was wondering why I now seem to have 3 titles…didn’t it used to be just 2? Why am I a Charter Member AND a Member?? Has it always been this way and I’m just noticing it, or did something change?
Was wondering why I now seem to have 3 titles…didn’t it used to be just 2? Why am I a Charter Member AND a Member?? Has it always been this way and I’m just noticing it, or did something change?
I noticed that too. A quick check seems to show that it’s happened to other Charter Members who also have custom titles - they have had “Member” added below their other titles. Other titles seem to be the same as they always were - Charter Members who don’t have custom titles just read Charter Member, and Members with custom titles just show the title.
When I originally implemented the custom titles feature, there was an issue with displaying the membership status of Charter Members who were also Custom Title Members, which caused both Charter Member and Member status to display. I managed to figure out a way around it that worked, but there were some edge cases that would trigger the bug for specific users.
Not sure what triggered it this time for all users in the group, but I think I’ve fixed it. If you find something amiss about user titles for any group of users, please let me know and I’ll take a look.
Thanks for reporting this issue.
Charter Member
(and these days, mostly Guest)
Thanks for the help!
Yeah, you don’t want your “Member” showing.
Especially dangling out there at the bottom…