TMI warning: What does shit taste like?

I’m sure I’ve heard somewhere that the French make a soup into which they put a teaspoon of poo to add flavour. I can’t remember any more detail than that I’m afraid.

Well, it does have a lot of fiber. And I hear fiber is good for you…

And I can’t believe I just wrote that.

Words fail me. Google “poo soup”. When you get no results, you know why.

How about the mythical “Pâté de caca de canard” that I saw in a Sunday paper once…?

I googled ‘poo soup’…this is the second entry!

I’m not clicking on that link 'cause I’m in work. But you better be kidding me…

"My God! That’s moose turd pie!

It’s good, though."

I’ve often wondered what it would take to thoroughly gross me out.

Thanks guys, now I know…

Rowrrbazzle, that link didn’t properly attribute the Moose Turd Pie anecdote, which is, of course, the work of the inimitable roustabout and raconteur Utah Philips.

Here’s an MP3 of the man himself relating the story, taken from Utah’s homepage.

“You’ll get pie in the sky when you die, bye-and-bye.” :slight_smile:

Some acquaintances of mine are involved in various aspects of the German porn industry. Germans are awfully fond of shit, for whatever reason. Personally I think it’s related somehow to the design of their toilets, which usually have a little “shelf” for pre-flushing inspection, so that their lifelong relationship with their waste is a bit more intimate than in some other cultures.

But anyway…I am told that the taste is not as awful as one would imagine, providing you can dissociate it from the smell; and I have heard it compared to the taste of cornflakes. I am content to take their word for it.

KFAT! the days of KFAT and Carl…I still have the T-shirt, and the memories…

No apologies for the hijack, but this may not have been the most respectful thread to bring up Carl’s name in.

KFAT forever!

I always thought the “toilet shelf” was for splash protection.

Damn, now I have to admit to reading this thread…

Just flashing back to the movie Things to do in Denver When You’re Dead:

Easy Wind, about Critical Bill: “A brown boy! A fecal freak! A f***in’ dookie taster!”
Critical Bill, later: “It was just an itty bitty piece of shit. It didn’t really even have no taste…Spongy.”
I’ve seen that movie far too often.

A long time ago I worked in landscaping. Dog shit was never a problem because the customers usually picked up after their dogs and I could usually spot it beforehand. One afternoon I was working on one yard where the grass was growing high alongside a pool. Instead of using the lawn mover, I decided to use a weed whacker. There was a pile of dog shit I didn’t see and accidentally hit and it exploded into little pieces and flew everywhere. It got all over me and a few little pieces on my mouth and lip. At first I thought I hit a clod of dirt. I could taste it but I didn’t realize it was dog shit until the smell was everywhere. Dog shit tastes like pungent mold with a chalky texture. Truthfully, the smell of dog shit is worse than it’s taste but I’m sure if I knew right away it was dog shit I was tasting, I would’ve vomited. If you’ve ever accidentally eaten something with mold on it, like a piece of moldy bread, you have a good idea of what dog shit taste like. Someone on this thread mentioned “ripe blue cheese”. I’d say that’s a good description. And speaking of eating dog shit, a friend of mine had two beagles. One of them started squatting to take a shit and the other beagles stuck it’s mouth near its ass and started gulping down the dog shit as it coming out of the other dog’s asshole steaming hot. It was one of the most disgusting things I’d ever seen. And this was a dog that would lick me when she was in a playful mood. But after I saw that I’m cautious about getting too close to dogs that like to lick.

Major necro, but there has been solid scientific progress made in the last 20 years. You can now watch people’s reactions to eating (flavor verified by science) poo flavored frozen yogurt.

After all this time, it’s surprising that devotees of “urine therapy” haven’t been joined by large numbers of fecalovores.

As dopers do, I must nitpick; Divine didn’t “eat” shit, he put it in his mouth.
Carry on.

I learned a new phrase.

See? Zombies can learn, too.