I hope you all die soon. I hope the diseased whores who shat you out of their syphilitic cunts live just long enough to see you die in pain and agony before they, too, succumb to whatever plague a just God has seen fit to inflict on racist, hateful, deliberately ignorant pieces of shit. I hope that your children also get to see you die so I can laugh in their faces, after I spit in them and before I gouge their eyes out and fuck them in their eye sockets.
Hmm. Maybe decaf?
Anyway, I’m not here to say you can’t Pit whoever/whatever you want, in whatever way you want. I’m just saying that as a fellow Trump opponent, currently with very sore feet from Saturday’s march in DC, actually organizing to resist feels a lot more rewarding than just simmering with hate for the enablers of Alternative-Facts-Man.
Honestly, I would rather engage Trump supporters in rational dialogue - ask them to commit, NOW, to what they expect Trump to accomplish and when they expect him to accomplish it. And what they are willing to accept as valid reasons for failure. Then, we have a basis for further discussion on in the Trump presidency, which I would like to have in grown-up terms, not wailing like a spoiled baby who didn’t get what I wanted.
When you “engage” on this vitriolic level, you do nothing but push people away and prove that you are as mindlessly hostile as the worst troll. Personally, I’m having none of it.
You realize the sheer amount of hypocrisy, stupidity & vitriol is what’s driving so many people to turn away from the typical liberal side & towards Trump, right?
CairoCarol has the right approach, but you are what’s wrong with this country. Right now, Trump’s not making the country look stupid in the eyes of the world, people like you are.
Like he’s going for sex with his best girl, but under the covers his dick somehow got up into her ass. It won’t end well. He’ll probably end up on the floor.
Well, to be fair, maybe OP is one of those who’ve concluded that there is no having a rational discussion with his/her available Trump supporters. I can certainly see how that would happen.
(I wonder what the Trump supporters here think of “alternative facts”? How can you have a rational conversation when the two sides can’t even agree on what the truth is?)
:dubious: I don’t think the two are mutually exclusive. Frankly, the way Trump’s going, he’d still be a major contributor to the country’s perceived stupidity level even if Thing Fish were performing a crunkcore rendition of his OP on international TV with kazoo and corrugaphone accompaniment.
No, I live in the “world,” (Indonesia, to be exact, and the vast majority of people I interact with are Indonesian, French, Australian, British, and other non-American nationalities) and I can assure you that Trump is doing a great job of making American look stupid. People like the OP are just playing minor supporting roles.
The problem is this all-or-nothing, one-sided, take-no-prisoners approach to discourse that BOTH sides are guilty of.
For example: John Lewis is an ass for claiming the Trump inauguration was the first one he boycotted, when that is demonstrably untrue. The NYT reporter who jumped the gun and falsely reported that Trump was removing the MLK statue deserves to get his hand seriously slapped.
Admitting these stupidities in no way excuses the “alternative fact” bullshit that Kelly Conway is spouting, and in fact it demonstrates the ability to care more about facts than promoting a pre-conceived bias. (Surely we all want to lay claim to respect for the trutht?)
The ability to admit that your side is not perfect makes you STRONGER, not weaker. I am confident that all the John Lewises and mistaken NYT reporters in the world won’t begin to equal the dishonesty of the Trump administration. But in the unlikely event I’m wrong, I want to be strong and mature enough to admit it.
How do you know why anyone voted or what motivated them? I am so fucking tired of being told I am responsible for other people who hate me.
So you think people need to to come to the trump voters and rub their tummies? How patronizing, and infantilizing to these voters can you get?
So lets say we do this and make the whole fucking world revolve around how they feel inside. What are they going to do? Come out of psychological denial? Transcend bigotry? Will you lecture them too? Or is is just us you get your jollies on?
Well, you gave yourself away by seeming not to notice donnies behavior over the last 72 hours (Just for a start). Is that really showing perspective?
We are not having a liberal meltdown of not understanding people. We are having a populist, nationalist, authoritarian, pro corruption, pro globalism, pro monopoly, anti democratic, anti truth meltdown in the country.
Stop fucking blaming liberals. You are piling on and throwing gasoline on the flames. Do you know how ignorant you are?