to anyone who is interested.... [RIP Polycarp]

A great poster, and I’m sure, a great person. He’ll be missed.

I’m very sorry to hear this. You and your family have my condolences.

That’s terrible. I’m so sorry.

I’m so sorry to hear this news. He was a wonderful poster, and contributed a lot to our little board. He will indeed be greatly missed. My heartfelt, and sincere sympathies to you and yours. And thank you for sharing this sad news with us, at such a difficult time.

He was a voice of reason where few were often heard. I’m so sorry for your loss.

You have my deepest sympathies for the loss of your husband. He fought a lot of ignorance here over the years while being a gentleman in the process. He will be sorely missed.

Beyond simply being knowledgeable, he was eminently patient and reasonable and kind. Though we seldom exchanged words directly, he was a touchstone of my early days here, a model of the way I thought a poster should conduct himself.

I’m very sorry for your loss, and the loss to us all.

My condolences to you, his friends, and other family. Polycarp was one of the stalwarts at SD, one of the people who made this board what it is. I liked him and respected him highly.

I’m so sorry.

Dear Lord.

I had the great privilege of hosting David at my home in Virginia on at least one occasion. To be able to sit and talk religion and everything else with him was something I’d never willingly pass up.

If I can do anything to help, just let me know.

I am truly saddened by this news. The man was a very level headed person. A voice of reason that spoke well for those religiously inclined. He also had quite a sense of humor.

While I will certainly miss him online, my heart goes out to you and anyone else who knew him in person.

I will mourn his passing. May you have peace.

I’m very sorry to hear this - your loss is a loss for our community. Polycarp was liked and respected by virtually everybody who encountered him over his long stay on the SDMB.

One of my favorites. RIP David. Peace to the Carp family.

I’m very sorry for your loss. Poly was an intelligent, well spoken, and thoughtful man whose posts here raised the level of discourse. I enjoyed reading his thoughts and conversations.

He will be missed.

…that would be most of us “Mrs. Carp”. There are certain names and voices that have always been part of the dope for me, and Polycarp was most certainly one of them. My condolences.

You are in my prayers, Skulldigger, as is Poly.

He was truly one of our greats.

RIP, Polycarp.

Everyone here has said it better than I ever could. Polycarp set a magnificent standard for both the intellectual conversations and the compassion this board encompasses. He will be greatly missed.

My sincere condolences.

My sincere condolences. I remember meeting him for the first time at the first Gettysdope, many years ago.

I’m very sorry for your loss. He was a good man.

I’m so sorry for your loss. :frowning: