finish book and get agent
get out of nursing before it does more damage to my body
go back for master’s in Library Science degree
get all three kids successfully out of the nest
lose 10 pounds
learn to accept life’s limitations and be gracious about it!
travel more extensively
be kinder
I think about this and come up with:
-have sex
And then I think that it doesn’t really matter because when I’m dead, I’m dead. I will not think, feel, experience or remember. So whatever.
I’ve always wanted to go down the suicide chute at the local water park, but haven’t gotten the nerve yet.
Also, I want to write that novel that’s in my head. I don’t care if it’s on the bestseller lists or not (though that would be nice), but I’d at least like to see my name on a commercially marketed book before I go to that Big Novelist’s Convention in the sky.
One more thing: read all the world’s great literature.
Just so you know, when you do this ( and I’m guessing you are a guy, becaue women don’t normally try to have water forced up their two orifices down there) you will be getting a chlorine colon cleanse when you do it.
Trust me.
I pissed chlorine for at least two days afterwards. and I think I’m still pulling out my swimsuit out of my hoo-ha 17 years later.
-earn (or win…I’m not picky) my financial freedom, so that I don’t have to work a 9 to 5. (the sooner the better)
-take a long bike tour across this, or some other country (or do multiple tours)
-fall in love (I’d be ok with this happening multiple times as well)
-learn to cook well
-restore/rebuild a classic car
-play sax in a jazz band
[ul][li]Get married, have a family, and support them[/li][li]Put out an album[/li][li]Write a book[/li][li]Take my wife to Europe[/li][li]Find out if God really exists Yes, I know I’ll probably never find out for sure before I die. Doesn’t mean I can’t try.[/li][li]Become a better person[/li][li]Finish what I started[/ul] [/li]I’m a simple man, really.
Swim with Orcas (and not in a damn zoo)
Horseriding in Yellowstone (with the whole log cabin thing, and bears, ooh)
Become qualified diver
Black belt in something
Get married
Have kids but get someone else to look after em until they can think… still working this one out.
Tickle a badger. May wait til I’m on my death bed for this,
[li]Live in a foriegn country[/li][li]Be financial comfortable for the rest of my days.[/li][li]Travel extensively to all continents.[/li][li]Change the world with one earth shattering concept. Fnord[/li][li]See all the wonders of the world : man made and natural.[/li][li] Win the lottery - I mean Zee Big One - and make my little world and circle of friends and family lives better. Yeah, I’d buy new hamsters for this place.[/li][/ul] [ul] More acheivable.
[li]Raise my children to be decent, considerate, kind, independant, humane humans without being co-dependant trainwrecks.[/li][li]To teach my children to be strong and have faith in themselves without them becoming brainwashed by the facade that is religion.[/li]
[li]** Win the respect and affection of people whom I admire. **[/li]
[li] Stay healthy physically and emotionally.[/li]
[li]Make good choices every day for myself, my family and the land.[/li][li]Build a house one day that is totally green. Wind/solar/geothermal powered.[/li]
[li]Continue to be true to myself.[/li][li]Be kind and more compassionate.[/li]
[/ul] [ul] Pipe Dream
[li]Organize my sock drawer.[/li][/ul]
I think what I like about this thread is seeing the things I’ve already done on someone else’s list. Gives that small sense of acomplishment.
For me:
Visit the Pyramids, Petra, Angkor Wat, Machu Picchu.
Go on Safari in Africa.
Learn to play one musical instrument well.
Write and have published at least a short story.
That’s about it…there are a lot of things in the “sure it’d be nice” catagory. But these are the ones that I really want to do before I die.
I’ve done several of the things on most of these lists, including at least 2 on Shirley’s impossible list. I have yet to milk a cow while skydiving, but that’s not on my list anyway.
Come to think of it, I don’t really have a list like that in my head. I would like to become financially a little more stable (again!) and then eventually retire to a beautiful part of the world somewhere. And I’d like to live long enough to see the USMNT capture the World Cup. Preferrably in person. Beyond that I usually do pretty much what strikes my fancy.