To hell with the corporate overlords…you’re fired as my boss.
I am going into business for myself. Big fat color ad in the local yellow pages, new truck with all kinds of snazzy graphics, throwing business cards at anyone who will take one.
I have been silently planning this for months while I waited for the promotion to come up. I have been extra good, dotted I’s crossed t’s and been a model employee with a wall full of awards (ok 7) to back it up. My interview felt like a meeting of the minds among old friends, I could not imagine anything but getting the promotion after such a cheerful and uplifting work experience.
And you promoted your drinking buddy. :smack:
I filled out all of my licence apps, legal filings, etc, etc. All ready to go if I did not get the promo but looking forward to the possibility of moving up in the company.
I turned in my resignation before the offical announcement was even made to the crew.
So thats it buddy, you’re fired. 8 years of making you look good racking up corporate level awards for innovation and operational improvement on top of my 4 years of perfect attendance.
So its done, Aug 29th is my last day
New truck is bought
permits and licences are filed
business line aquired
business account and CC processing in progress
advertising awaiting proofs
bids being taken on truck lettering and graphics.
initial parts inventory ordered
learning how to use quickbooks
aquired a CPA for handling initial taxes till I have a better grasp of the details.
Move over bacon theres a new PC repair shop in town and we are here to chew bubblegum and kick ass.
and we are all out of bubblegum.
Spent 2 hours being grilled by dad and grandfather (self employed and retired self employed respectively). They seem to think I have a solid plan and if I fail its not because I don’t understand what I am getting into and how to run a business. In fact they have been wondering for about 5 years when I was going to throw off the yoke of my corporate overlords and follow my genetic predisposition for making my own way in the working world.
I feel like I just sprouted wings. The decisions are mine, the customers are mine the successes are mine, and the failures are mine. No policy BS, no action committiees, no political ramifications as to which regional manager might look bad, just make it happen, MY WAY!
Please Og no matter how successful I might become, grant me the strength of charachter not to recreate the petty suckup riddled world I am leaving.