You really thought crossing in the middle of traffic was a good idea?! Yes, the light was red. Could you not have waited for traffic to actually stop? The woman you were with did. Better yet, how’s about using the damn crosswalk? Nooooo, you decided to venture out into moving traffic and cuss out all the drivers who didn’t stop for your lazy ass.
Why am I talking to you? Did it ever occur to your miniscule brain that it might be for the benefit of them kids to know you’re not supposed to be crossing in the middle of traffic? I noticed the woman didn’t say anything. You got her and the kids scared of you or what? At least she has the sense to wait on the median instead of crossing while the traffic is still moving!
I hope I did some good today. Maybe those kids will learn the guy, who is presumably their father, is not a good example to follow. Better still, maybe when they’re teenagers they’ll put you in your place! I hope they at least won’t turn into a whole fuckin’ family of assholes.
I used to live near a corner on Georgia Avenue, one of the busiest streets in the Maryland portion of the DC metro area, where there were several apartment complexes across Georgia Avenue from the bus stop. There was a traffic light at the small side street where they would come from. There was a crosswalk at that corner. There was a push button to get the walk light.
So what would happen? AT LEAST 90% of the time, you’d see the people, usually with small children in tow, crossing the street in heavy traffic less than 20 feet from the crosswalk, usually during a green light! And even if they’d wait for a red light, they STILL wouldn’t use the marked crosswalk!
I’m sorry, but even if they didn’t have such things in the countries they originally came from (and this was primarily an immigrant population), how hard is it to USE A MARKED CROSSWALK?
I was amazed that there weren’t a bunch of pedestrian deaths during the three years we lived there. I guess I wasn’t the only driver who knew to be extra, extra careful there. It was just plain frightening.
And the cops watched them do it all the time and did NOTHING. Sigh…
I personally believe that people that stupid should not, in any case be allowed to procreate. If there is a crosswalk around, its not just there for looks. For pete’s sake, use the damn thing, especially if you have kids. It may be ok if you are 100 yards from the nearest crossing and there is nobody coming, but in live traffic, its just plain dumb. I sorta wish the guy would have been wounded by some driver (not killed, mind you) just as a reminder to his kids that the stupid and the prideful often fall…hard
Stupidity is a sexually transmitted disease, it must be stopped.
You guys don’t EVEN want to hear the story in my neck of the woods - about the women who stopped her car in the middle of a HIGHWAY, let her very small children (age 2 and 4, I think) out of the car, and left them standing there. Sorry, don’t know how to post cites. Onlookers were able to rescue the children, parents facing charges now.
Dallas, TX - for some reason, we have way too many horrible driver stories going on right now. (Windshield murderer, etc.)
Blonde, what an appalling story. Could you please keep me up to date with what those moronic parents are charged with?
As for the pedestrian crossing, do some people think they’re there for decoration or something?
You know what drives me nuts? (And I see it all the time here.) Mommy or Daddy (usually Mommy, it seems, for some reason), standing on the dotted white line in the middle of a main street – you know, the line that’s about 3 inches wide – in the middle of moving traffic, holding a baby in her arms. Gah! If you want to foolishly take your own life into your hands like that, be my guest, but leave your kids out of it!!
In many of the developing nations I have visited, you can’t actually get across the road unless you weave through traffic on the move and pedestrian crossings are not necessarily safe places to cross.
I don’t know the answer but just because you qualify either as a new immigrant or a refugee, doesn’t mean that you are given information on how the host culture ‘does things’ - be it traffic rules or cultural norms.
I agree that where possible, you should learn alot about the host culture before you move there but the reality is that most people don’t.
I work with international students and have some (admittedly only a few) who think our police are pussies and drive expensive cars at break neck speeds and if they get caught get the shock of their lives when the law deals with them. Ditto drugs etc.