Gah. breathe
I was returning from getting lunch from a local Asian bakery, see. So I was stopped at the exit from the strip mall parking lot. Across from me is the exit from another strip mall. Perpendicular is a split arterial (the kind with bumpers to stop people from drifting into the oncoming traffic).
Got all that?
I wanted to turn left. That’s great, so I’m stopped with my left blinker on and waiting for the light to change. The opposite car has its left blinker on, and there’s people fixing to be crossin’ the road.
When the light changes, I ease into the intersection and wait for the people to finish crossin’ and for the car to make its left, staying a safe distance out of the oncoming lane.
Next car up was a dude in an older truck, who had his right blinker on. Sweet, I can turn left now and get back to work.
However – the dude IGNORED THE FACT HIS BLINKER WAS ON and zoomed straight through, swearing at me out his window. :mad:
A) I don’t want to pay again for rebuilding my bumper, thanks a bunch. The first time ye many years ago was quite enough.
B) There was a motorcycle cop RIGHT BEHIND YOU, dude. GAAAH! :mad:
C) No need to curse at me, dude. You’re the one who left his fucking blinker on, giving totally mixed messages. Playing demolition derby is NOT ON. Maybe you want to replace your truck, but fuck that noise. I ain’t gonna play.
So, accident-free no thanks to that dude, I just shake my head and finally take my left turn. Motorcycle cop turns right, going my direction, and I cringe instinctively, but the cop doesn’t hit his lights and just passes me on his way to whereever he’s going.
muttermutter At least I still have my delicious Asian pastries.