In Homosexual Adoption, someone asked whether a poster had been banned for his bigotted opinions about homosexuality.
Gaudere responded:
Fair enough. And in fact, I came to her defense, recalling how Gaudere handled our visitors from Storm Front:
But then yesterday, in Marriage for Fun and Profit - How bad is this?, someone made a bigotted remark about Koreans.
TVeblen responded with this:
Now, I understand as much as anyone that the mods and administration are not the Borg. As Coldfire said in Namecalling in GD, a thread that asked about clearing up whether or not we could call people liars in Great Debates:
That’s okay. And I don’t think for a minute that I could do any better than TVeblen, Buck, or any of the other mods.
But I would just ask that you realize that we, like you, have no rules in stone to go by. In fact, we are at a greater disadvantage since we sort of just have to guess and then do the best we can.
It has been suggested basically that when in doubt, don’t. But unfortunately, without some indication of a modicum of consistency, people will always be in doubt and therefore never will.
I’m not really complaining here. I put it in the Pit because my understanding is that ATMB is for technical questions, and this is for “other discussion regarding administration of the SDMB”. And e-mail to four or five mods and admins seems tactically problematic.
Besides, I know that you mods do this work for free, and I’m a firm believer that you get what you pay for. I’m not expecting the codified Laws of Hammurabi. In fact, I’m not really expecting anything much, just hoping that I could make the suggestion that y’all discuss this in your private forum or whatever and establish a consensus among yourselves.
I’ll abide by your call whether I’m happy about it or not. I still think that allowing rampant disrespect for people of faith is a mistake, but I’m living with it. I just grimace and move on whenever I see the vulgarities about Jesus and so forth.
In the meantime, could you explain maybe why at least some of you believe that racist or bigoted statements are bannable offenses? It can’t be because they hurt people’s feelings. Nothing could hurt my feelings, or Poly’s feelings, or Tris’s feelings, or RT’s feelings, of CJ’s feelings (and many others) more than cursing Christ and mocking God. But that’s not bannable.
So what is it, exactly? What’s so bad about mocking Koreans or Indians or Irish people generically? I mean, if somebody said something about a wooden Indian or an Indian giver, I wouldn’t want them banned. If I thought the offense were intended as personal, I can defend myself sufficiently.
I can’t speak for Koreans, but I feel a kind of condescension when somebody holds that I ought to be protected from someone’s bigotry because I’m too fragile to withstand it.
Anyway, I know that you can’t criticize each other publicly because that might compromise your appearance of authority and order. That’s understandable, and a mod fight would undermine the integrity of the board and create a nightmare for the administration.
But could you just argue about it among yourselves and then get back to us with at least some sort of guiding principle, if not a rule in stone? Something other than when in doubt, don’t? Something that will make us feel like we’re not tip-toeing on glass?
And when I say “we”, I’m not speaking for anyone else except people who are as confused as I am. It might be that Duck or someone else has a firm grasp on this, and I’m just thick headed.
Thanks for listening.