
Certain toasters use a bimetallic strip to “pop” the toast when it is done. The idea is that the strip bends as the toaster gets hotter, until it bends enough to release a catch. This much I can get my puny little brain around, but why on earth doesn’t the second batch of toast pop quicker as the mechanism is already hot?

In my experience, the second batch of toast does pop up in less time than it took to toast the first batch of toast.

A lot faster. I have to hold it down for the second piece of toast.

Just don’t ask any questions about toasters. They are weird and scary

I mean you put bread in a slot then about 2 or 3 minutes later up pops toast. I mean what happens to the bread. Weird huh?

Fellas, fellas, fellas. Step aside and let someone who works with toasters for a living assess the situation… oh, wait, Lance already did. Correctly, I might add.

The Toasters rock! I recommend The East-Side Beat EP.

Oh, sorry… wrong thread.



Crap. I thought this was about Video Toasters.

[/obscure Amiga reference]

I do actually work on Toaster/Flyer systems (the Video kind, anyway). I think I’m the last person in Oklahoma still doing so on a regular basis.

Servicing them, that is.

It’s okay Chrome, I’ve grown respectful of toasters, over the past two years. I know that they have feelings too, and can be hurt just as much as humans.

Why do people even own toasters? Toaster ovens are so much more versatile. You can butter the bread first, or put cheese on it. You can spread the cream cheese on the bagel first.

A toaster, with vertical slots, makes no more sense to me than a vertical pizza oven.

Have traditional toasters survived just because of the thrill of watching your toast jump out of the slot?