Ask The Toaster!

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What little toaster-related questions can I answer for you?

I was coming to bitch about all the “Ask The” threads but the ASCII art made me laugh.

Toaster, if I poke you with a knife will you hurt me?

What happened to my upper crust?

Why do you have only two slots? What’s the prejudice against club sandwiches? Eh?

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Bagels or English Muffins?
If the latter, store-brand of Thompson’s?

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That looks like a steaming pile of… mashed potatoes.

Can I have pancakes?

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Do you get a lesbian if you convert a blender or a mixer??

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Dear Toaster,

As a pop-up, what do you think of toaster ovens?

:confused: Where does the bread go?

How long does it take for a poptart to catch fire in a toaster?

Can you accommodate “extra wide” items, or are you a narrow slot toaster?

Are you brave?

Are you little?

Are you the same thing as a bread carbonizing device?

Will you ignite Pop-Tarts?

Are you toasteriffic?

Dear Toaster,

Why can’t you actually toast the bread? If i wanted it to be slightly warm, or cremated I would put it near a light bulb or on a fire respectively.

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