Staying in a hotel for the first time since Covid showed up.
When I checked into this fine 5 star establishment instead of the usual complimentary drinks and hot towels, I got a COVID-19 care bag.
With masks including an N95 and bottles of hotel brand hand sanitizer and disinfectant spray.
I remember when there was a shortage of these,6 decades, sorry months ago.
And instead of a fruit basket, I got fruit. Individual fruits. In plastic wrapping.
Can’t go for dinner since the restaurant only take a a certain number so have to order food in room, which came in a packed box delivered by a guy in full PPEs. (again wasn’t there a shortage of those?)
No pool, no spa.
I know most of you are going to say something like but AK84, its hardly a bother compared to those who fell ill and died and sure you may be right (actually are totally right) but you can bugger off.
When this is over I am going to gather all the masks and PPE I can find, douse them in sanitizer, and set them on fire in the square near my house. And have a open air BBQ/orgy and live stream it #SocialDistanceThis. Ya all are invited off course.
Sheesss AK. I am very lucky to have a situation where I and my Wife can work from home. We have our own offices even. I feel very, very fortunate.
Think of those that are stuck at home with a roommate they can’t stand. Or are in an abusive relationship with winter on the way and no easy way out. Out of work and simply stuck eating Raman with someone they hate.
And you’re bitching about not getting a fruit basket.
This pandemic is annoying as hell in a million little ways. Nothing wrong with blowing off some steam. I suspect it is less about the hotel and more the straw that broke the camel’s back. There’s a whole thread devoted to “stupid little things the pandemic has taken from you” and this isn’t much different.
I thought this fucking hoax was supposed to disappear after the election? Why are the cases and deaths skyrocketing? Won’t the fake news take a day off?
Yeah, what’s up with that. It was supposed to be over a week ago.
@AK84 your rant is just fine. I’m not going to pile on because I am also totally fucking over all of it. COVID, elections, fires, restaurants closing, the world crying for us because our elected officials are fucking stupid. I am so fucking done. Rant away, I will agree with every word.
Not that I’m actually going to give up wearing masks or social distancing or anything. I’m just sick and tired of having to do it.
You don’t really want me at your orgy, I’m one of those fat old women who looks better in clothes, but I’ll bring a nice potato salad for the potluck and help clean up afterwards.
Yep. I mean, sure, among my circle as it is, all these precautionary measures mean we’re pretty much managing well our lives, but it is a mighty PITA and then you realize that because of the noncompliant cohort there is a higher chance than there should be that we may still be affected even if we do task ourselves with bearing all these annoyances, so it’s gonna take even longer and we’re not getting any younger.
We know all this is the right thing to do but we don’t have to like it or pretend to like it. Let’s just open our windows, stick out our faces and yell “I’m mad as Hell because I have to keep taking it even more!”
It tears my heart every time I hear about a restaurant or some other business shutting down due to Covid. The building that once housed The O has been sold. Maybe another O can start up again in a different location…
Back when all this started, I pulled money out of savings to buy substantial gift cards from my favorite local places. I knew that I was giving them an interest free loan and I also knew that I would probably lose a lot of the money.
3 of them went under, but all three of them also called me and pretty much insisted that I come back so they could pay the gift cards off. (Too bad, so sad, they didn’t know where I live and didn’t have any way to give the money back if I didn’t cooperate.)
The other place has just opened to the public with very limited hours.
The global impact is large and horrifying but also abstract.
It’s the little, personal things that sometimes just get too much. Intellectually we all know they aren’t that important, but they just add up sometimes.