Today I saw a loser that made me so mad

I’m ethically culpable now? You know what’s a defect of character? Throwing pity parties.

Noooooooooo. No matter how hard it is, I want you pay attention now, ok? Hey, hey! Stop looking at shiny things. Focus.

  1. The Pit is a place for mocking and jeering people.
  2. Quote the post where I said anything to the guy. I never reinforced anything. Because I never posted in that pathetic hug-fest. If you’d been paying attention, you would have noted that at no point has mooky even seen my user name, most likely.

The only person who’s mood I’m spoiling is yours and those like you, who trip all over each other to go comfort someone who has no interest and no ability to be comforted. You say I’m kicking him to make myself feel better? You’re “hugging” him to make yourself feel better, to show all the other Dopers just how warm and fuzzy you can be.

Focus yourself. Once again, it’s NOT about being all sunshine and lollipops. It’s saying, “don’t deliberately go and provoke those who are mentally ill.” So the guy’s a whiner? Duh, that’s what depression does to you. Fine, you find it annoying. Doesn’t mean you have to poke him with a stick.

If you can’t tell the difference, then I can’t help you. Is everything always so black and white in your world?

1.) And likewise, we can do it right back to you! See! It’s win-win!
2.) I never posted in that “hug-fest” either. Dumbass.

Chessic, don’t you have some elevator scofflaw to kick or something?

Oh for Og’s sake. For one thing, it’s a plural you. Second, I never poked the guy with a stick. He’s not here. He’s not reading this. There is no poking going on.

Funny thing about that today. Long story short, two girls got into a bitch-fest about it today right in front of me! I didn’t even have to bring it up. We got on the elevator in the parking garage and the one girl hit the first floor button. And. It. Was. On.

The offender told my fellow high-floorer to eat a dick. She shouted back “You’ve had enough for the both of us.” I high-fived her.

When did being an asshole become more acceptable than being needy? And even though you don’t know it, you are a far bigger failure than anyone who is depressed or self loathing could ever be. You are a destructive asshole, which is much worse than being self loathing or embarrassing.

There is a difference between ‘weird/annoying to some people’ and ‘asshole’. You are an asshole. 90% of people prefer to be around weird/annoying people over destructive, self absorbed assholes given a choice. You can keep the other 10%.

The guy is 22. These kinds of emotional & neurological problems he likely suffers from take time to repair. It isn’t like a course of antibiotics, where you are healthy in 2 weeks. It takes years to repair emotional trauma. And it is a very messy, embarrassing process. If you don’t like watching how messy it is, don’t fucking watch.

You are an entitled asshole. Just leave the kid alone if you don’t like what he has to say. If not and you are still pissed off, go pick on someone who is able and willing to fight back next time.

Don’t pick on a 22 year old with a severe mental illness, 2 suicide attempts, no self worth and likely a pretty traumatic past. I’m not asking you to be ok with his behavior and try to help him, just shut the fuck up in the future and don’t contribute to making it worse.

This. This right here is made of awesome.

I think this thread is going to be a little like bear-baiting without the bear.

From a completely mercenary standpoint, I really hope that the guy wasn’t completely on the edge, because a pitting might just push him over. I don’t really want to hear Nancy Grace talk about “the mean-spirited attacks of a message board who drove poor mookie over the edge. Coming up, a spokesperson for the board responds.” Not that we couldn’t weather the storm, of course, but we don’t need the drama or controversy.

Maybe I’m way off base here, but I’ve seen a couple of cases involving cyber bullying. The one involving the young girl who committed suicide because of taunting she got from a “friend” who turned out to be a former best friend’s mom.

Look, dude. You need to learn the rules. You are not allowed to make fun of fat buttertolls, ugly polyamory practitioners, or overly sensitive “mentally ill” people unless they are conservatives.

I say, if someone wants to kill themselves over a message board, good riddance. I, for one, am not going to worry about being on Nancy Grace (jesus, are you fucking serious? Christ almighty, what a tard). If one of these retards wants to whine about their life in the pit, and someone makes fun of them for being an angsty bitch, also good, except that it will bring the tidal wave of “sensitive” and “nice” people who are shitty posters.

There are too many middle-aged balding beardies and fatties who just want to have a fucking support group on this board as it is. Hopefully the few brave souls who fight back against the incursion of giant pussies who can’t hang won’t get driven away by the mass of intellectual weaklings.

Of course, these people don’t realize what giant douchebags they are, so I fear this post is in vain. But unlike them I won’t castigate global warming deniers as people who should be deported and then in my next post quote that retarded bit about first they came for the jews like I’m some sort of deep thinker.

A few minutes ago I read Wesley Clark’s post very appropriately calling **bucketybuck ** an asshole. Truer words were never spoken.

Then I browsed a few other forums and came back to the Pit, where I saw the last post was by ivn1188 and I thought to myself, “Great, looks like another asshole has joined the thread.”

Then I clicked on your post and found out I was right.

Thank you for writing that, Wesley Clark. Perfectly put.

Chessic Sense, I know you have financially helped a doper in distress in the past. So maybe you’re not as unsympathetic as you make out. I’m not sure why you wear your lack of empathy like a badge of pride - particularly because it’s one of the diagnostic criteria for several unpleasant mental disorders. You’re better than that.

It is hard to understand the depth of what mookie might be going through till you have no one to share to, no one to confide to about your weakness, fears and loathings.

Irrational thoughts do not just go away with a snap of the finger. It is possible to wallow in self-pity and at the same time trying to do something about it; you just cannot switch off the internal radio. And eventually you would want to explode; you just need to talk about it before it gets worse.

Thankfully I have reached a saturation point where I don’t expect any sympathy or any help. If I have to sprout it out, I am expecting people ask me to harden up, wise up or grow a thicker skin. “Why are you still depressed?” Blah blah blah. I don’t blame anyone for not giving me virtual hugs, listening to me or trying to understand me. It’s like existing in a different world all together, across chasm which is impossible to gap. Yes, it’s sad that the world wants depressed people or those with mental conditions to put up a false front and go on pretending to be happy and all that. No one want to hear their troubles.

Understandably why compassion is at times considered a virtue.

So what the OP is doing is actually ‘normal’ to me. Just put it this way, everyone would need help one day. How would you like to be treated when you do need help?

I won’t bother to quote, but to all those who have decided that I am an asshole, and a ‘disgusting’ person, I say, don’t waste your time. You don’t know me, and I don’t worry about what strangers on the web think of me, so get over it.

I read mookies thread in MPSIMS, and I had an opinion on his trolling. I would have posted my opinion in his thread, but rules are rules so I posted it here. At least its my honest opinion, rare enough in these parts.

The irony of one of the Alpha douchebags on the dope calling other people douchebags is sweet and delicious.

I’m pretty sure it’s you who needs to get over it. If you don’t care, then why even mention it?

Hey, just look at Carol Stream.
Wheels: slow grinding, exceedingly fine, yadda yadda.

I have no problem with this thread. Crashing the pity party would be rude, and the OP refrained (as did I), but IMO that thread was trolling bullshit, and the Pit is an appropriate place to call it out, if you care enough to.

If someone I actually know and love spurned my every bit of compassionate and well-intentioned advice with “I’m a loser and I’ll never be anything other than a loser”, I’d tell him right quick that while he may or may not be a loser, he is most certainly a buzzkill, seriously tiresome, and he needs to find some way to snap out of it, and I’m happy to help him do that, but I’m not gonna spend precious hours of my life indulging this crap. Hugging isn’t the same as helping.

Moral thought is one of the deepest intellectual considerations.

Stop being such a pussy about it.

You say that as if your suffering and overcoming are some kind of excuse not to give a shit about other people. This board is full of sour-grapes whiners with this same attitude and it’s getting pretty old. ‘‘I HAD TO SUFFER ALONE! EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD TOO!’’ Give me a fucking break. The bitterness bleeds through ever post. All that lack of compassion shows is that you didn’t learn shit from your experience.

Yeah, because ‘‘warm and fuzzy’’ is such a valued trait here on the Dope. :rolleyes:

Or at the least, a histrionic personality.

Which is not to say his problems aren’t real. I can totally see someone like him staging a semi-serious suicide attempt to refocus attention on himself from the people around him. But the “I’m such a loser and everyone hates me and they’re right” sounded pretty well-rehearsed.

But troll or suicidal or some exhilarating combination of the two, nothing on a messageboard is going to do anyone any good.


What’s a buttertoll?