Today I was passed by a B-24

I’m home from New Orleans. On the freeway home, as I was approaching Boeing Field, I was overtaken by a B-24 Liberator. (Obviously it was above the freeway and not on it.)

Unfortunately neither camera was handy.

Cool. I have been in a B-52 and flown in a DC-3, and both experiences rocked.

Saw one up close about 12 years ago, at Nashville International.

The B-24 is the Dodge Caravan of WWII bombers. And I mean that in the best possible sense. Lucky you!

A few years ago I was driving home after work on the 105 freeway in LA, and as I’m creeping along in traffic, an immaculate, shining B-17 came in on final approach to the Hawthorne airport. The runway is parallel to the road, separated about 150 yards. I almost ran into a bridge piling. I’m gawping out the window and pointing but everyone around me was just staring straight ahead, thinking about dinner.

One time I was flying a Robinson R22 into Van Nuys Airport. There was a B-24 and a B-25 in the pattern. They were at 800 feet, the helicopter pattern altitude, instead of the 1,000 foot pattern altitude for fixed-wings. I had to make a 360 to let them by.