Today is DAY ONE!

Yes, today is the first day of the World Year 7521, according to the Byzantine Calendar. It started at midnight in each time zone.

This article explains it all very well. The reason that the “Year of the World” is much greater than Ussher’s calculation is that the reckoning is based on the Septuagint.

What I find personally ironic is the topic decided by our local Flower City Philosophy group, one week ago, in an open-topic session, for tonight.

The topic is… DEATH.

And that contrasts very nicely with the supposed date of Creation, September 1st *, 5509 BC.

  • While today is September 14th, Gregorian, the cuurent 13 day difference makes it the FIRST of September, Julain or Old Style.

Any thoughts?

- The one, True (and Blue) Jack