Today is my birthday.

Just thought I would share. Actually, it’s going to turn into my birth-week. I received a gift on Thursday. I was taken to lunch yesterday. I was taken to dinner today and got a spa-day gift certificate. I’m getting taken to dinner tomorrow. I’m getting taken to lunch on Monday. I’m getting taken to dinner on Wedensday.

That would be a week of my birthday. wOOt.

On a less positive note, I found my first grey hair on Friday. It was, however, on my head. Things could be worse.

Happy birthday, alice. :slight_smile:

Well thanks. It always sort of hurt my feelings that no one ever started a thread wishing me a happy b-day, until I realized that I don’t think I ever told anyone when it was.


Happy Birthday Alice. Watch out for them rabbit holes!

Happy birthday ! It sounds like you had a great week!

Happy Birthday Alice!

Hey! A spa gift. Yum yum yum yum. Enjoy!

  • :: waving to Maastricht::*

I think I’m going to go for the Aromatherapy Facial, Hot Stone Manicure and Hot Stone Peidicure.

Then I will be so relaxed they’ll have to peel me off the chair to send me home. :slight_smile:

hehehehehe :slight_smile: One can never be too relaxed.

I’m envious…

Preach it sister! It was my birthday last week.

Happy birthday and congratulations on starting your own thread. Here’s a slice of virtual, decadent chocolate cake with as many candles as you want on it.


Happy birthday!

Go ahead, treat yourself right – there’s an ad at the bottom that promises no more gray hair, ever, just one pill a day…

Happy Birthweek! You’ve got plenty to enjoy - hope you do! And don’t sweat the grey hair - at least you’ve got hair! Some of us have stupid, genetic thinning tresses… <sigh>

Party on!!

A week filled with celebration - how fun! Happy Birthday!


Mine was yesterday. I hope you feel better tomorrow after tonight than I do today after last night.

Got that? :confused:

Happy Birthday Alice, let’s have a tea party!


Wishing you a good day a good year and a great life. :slight_smile:

Happy b-day. I take it you’re 29? :wink:

Why are the Google ads about pills to remedy grey hair? Oh. Nevermind.

What, no mad tea party? I’ll hold one for you. :wink:

Happy birthday!

::singing Happy Birthday::

…and many moooooorre!