Just thought I would share. Actually, it’s going to turn into my birth-week. I received a gift on Thursday. I was taken to lunch yesterday. I was taken to dinner today and got a spa-day gift certificate. I’m getting taken to dinner tomorrow. I’m getting taken to lunch on Monday. I’m getting taken to dinner on Wedensday.
That would be a week of my birthday. wOOt.
On a less positive note, I found my first grey hair on Friday. It was, however, on my head. Things could be worse.
Well thanks. It always sort of hurt my feelings that no one ever started a thread wishing me a happy b-day, until I realized that I don’t think I ever told anyone when it was.
Happy birthday and congratulations on starting your own thread. Here’s a slice of virtual, decadent chocolate cake with as many candles as you want on it.
Happy Birthweek! You’ve got plenty to enjoy - hope you do! And don’t sweat the grey hair - at least you’ve got hair! Some of us have stupid, genetic thinning tresses… <sigh>