Today was the day not to do that!

Today was the day from Hell as was the whole week. She picked the wrong day to do this.

We have a non smoking break room with an adjoining smoking break room. The smoke still comes into the non smoking room. There is an industrial ionizer to clear the smoke fumes.

I have asthma and can’t stay in the room sometimes even with the ionizer going sitting at the far end.

There is one person that comes into the room and always turns the thermostat from 72 to 80, and then shuts off the ionizer. She’s cold at a hundred degrees in the sun in summer. The room will heat up to about 90 in an hour if the airconditioning doesn’t run all year.

Today she did it, and I was on the other side of the table. I stepped up onto the table, turned on the ionizer filter, and sat back down.

Her “Oh how can you stand that thing on.”
Me “Well, it’s supposed to stay on to remove the smoke, and if you don’t like it switch rooms.”

I personally liked the standing in the middle of the table bit to turn it back on. Oh! Did I mention it was a really bad day, and she’s been pissing me off for months now.

Anybody else have one of those days?

I’m only your wildest fear, from the corners of your darkest thoughts.

7:30 this morning, my conversation with a very rude teacher who thinks anyone other than a teacher is an idiot…

Her - can I have a medical form
Me - here ya go (I hand her three)
Her - thats not the medical form, thats green
Me - you wanted extended benefits, right?
Her - Yes, and they are blue
Me - well they changed the colour to green
Her - They have always been blue Susan
Me - well I cant help that,they are now green
Her - You have given me the wrong form
Me - (getting slightly pissed by this time, I pull out all the benefit forms and throw them on the desk) well you see, extended are green, vision are grey and dental are pink
Her - The medical are supposed to be blue
Me - well perhaps you should contact the company and tell them you prefer blue
Her - Well I dont know why they would change them
Me - Would you like me to photocopy them onto blue paper for you?
Her - I still think you are giving me the wrong form, they have always been blue
Me - I think you should write the Prime Minister and complain
Her - exits the office in a snit

Later I hear her telling someone in the staff room, "Those medical forms have always been blue…

I’m sure glad I only work a half day on Fridays…can you say anal?

We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another

Did I mention my too-stupid-to-believe co-worker quit? :smiley: JOY JOY JOY!

“It was us versus them and it was clear who them was. Today we are not so sure who the they are, but we know they’re there.”
– Texas Gov. George W. Bush, presidential candidate.

You arent by chance looking for a teacher with a blue fetish are you Vogue?

We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another

Sorry, in response to the original post, one day she was just doing every lame thing wrong. (At this point she’d been there like 3 months and it’s pretty much a job that a chimp could learn after 2 weeks.) It’s a monotonous job that has little variation from patient to patient (orthodontist assistant, btw) and one of the things we ask each patient after we check them is what color ligatures they’d like (little plastic “o"s that hold the wire in the brackets.) Then if we leave the station to assist with another patient or something we grap a pencil and write the color on the paper tray table cover (big white placemat.) Well like I’d said, she’d already been botching stuff up all day and she had a habit of waiting until A) the patient had his/her mouth full of instruments or B) the Dr. was ready to put ligatures on before asking them “What color ligatures would you like?” and 90% of the time I had ALREADY written it on the tray cover and she was too lazy or stupid to read it. So after Dr Phelps asks “what color?” and Judy goes “What color?” for about the 10th time I blurt out “SILVER, JUDY. SILVER! JUST LIKE IT SAYS IN PLAIN ENGLISH RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!” Dr. Phleps laughs nervously and says “Well…how am I supposed to read that over here?” and I say in the most hatred-filled voice I can muster: “Dr. Phelps, it is not YOUR JOB to read that.” and shoot her the burning look of death. Just to make her feel extry stupid, on the next patient’s table I wrote “WHITE” as big as the whole paper (about 12"x18”). It was meant to be insulting, but unfortunately everyone cracked up over it. Believe it or not, she didn’t quit because I was mean to her (although, believe me, I tried my damnedest!)

“It was us versus them and it was clear who them was. Today we are not so sure who the they are, but we know they’re there.”
– Texas Gov. George W. Bush, presidential candidate.

Sorry, in response to the original post, one day she was just doing every lame thing wrong. (At this point she’d been there like 3 months and it’s pretty much a job that a chimp could learn after 2 weeks.) It’s a monotonous job that has little variation from patient to patient (orthodontist assistant, btw) and one of the things we ask each patient after we check them is what color ligatures they’d like (little plastic “o"s that hold the wire in the brackets.) Then if we leave the station to assist with another patient or something we grap a pencil and write the color on the paper tray table cover (big white placemat.) Well like I’d said, she’d already been botching stuff up all day and she had a habit of waiting until A) the patient had his/her mouth full of instruments or B) the Dr. was ready to put ligatures on before asking them “What color ligatures would you like?” and 90% of the time I had ALREADY written it on the tray cover and she was too lazy or stupid to read it. So after Dr Phelps asks “what color?” and Judy goes “What color?” for about the 10th time I blurt out “SILVER, JUDY. SILVER! JUST LIKE IT SAYS IN PLAIN ENGLISH RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!” Dr. Phleps laughs nervously and says “Well…how am I supposed to read that over here?” and I say in the most hatred-filled voice I can muster: “Dr. Phelps, it is not YOUR JOB to read that.” and shoot her the burning look of death. Just to make her feel extry stupid, on the next patient’s table I wrote “WHITE” as big as the whole paper (about 12"x18”). It was meant to be insulting, but unfortunately everyone cracked up over it. Believe it or not, she didn’t quit because I was mean to her (although, believe me, I tried my damnedest!)

“It was us versus them and it was clear who them was. Today we are not so sure who the they are, but we know they’re there.”
– Texas Gov. George W. Bush, presidential candidate.

Dammit, I was hoping to make 1000 posts w/o a simulpost! Oh, well…800 isn’t too bad. :slight_smile:

The only thing I can think of to reply to this is to quote some Limp Bizkit.
I hope I don’t get blasted for this.

Heh-heh, WHEW! I guess I got some pent up aggression. I love that song man, it kicks ass. Anyway, anytime I have a day like you described, I just think about this song and it makes me feel better. Usually, just thinking about punching that assholes teeth down his throat works just as good as actually doing it, without those boring arraignments and all that pesky jail time.

Fat Guy in a Little Coat,
SDMB Self-Righteous Clique