Today's Burning Question: Lichtenstein.

Lichtensteiner’s or Lichtenstonians? or just Licher’s for short :slight_smile:
How come you never hear of Lichtensteiner-American heritage? Everywhere you look it’s African-Americans, German-Americans, Polish-Americans…and so on. But no Lichtenstein-Americans?

It’s all so mysterious. :dubious:

  1. It’s Liechtenstein.

  2. There are only 33,436 people in the whole country to begin with. How many do you think make it to the US?

  3. It’s also Liechtensteiners.

Besides, it just sounds weird. Sounds like something Barney Gumbel does when they cut him off at Oktoberfest. :smiley: says it’s Liechtensteiner.

There is no apostrophe in the plural form.

Seeing as how the population of Liechtenstein is 33,436 (CIA World Factbook), even if the entire population emigrated here, there would hardly be enough of them to make a single significant ethnic neighborhood in a major city, much less a noteworthy hyphenated group.

For all intents and purposes, it’s an appendage of Switzerland anyhow.

And, if I must, I would just say “citizens of Liechtenstein”. “Liechtensteiners” seems to be used, however.