Toilet Paper

Question: does the TP correlate to the paper towel rolls? In my house it was always TP under, but paper towels over.

Ann Landers ran the same poll. Her office was waist-deep in mail for weeks, and a lot of it was very angry stuff. She vowed never to do another poll. :smack:

The unanswered question is: what’s our vector, Victor?

Y’all are gonna think I’m making this up, but our paper towels are sideways too … see how we avoid all the conflict in our marriage? :cool:

Yeah, but does the roll run clockwise or counter-clockwise?



If I could hang it, it’d be over. My #1 will shred the roll, regardless of how it’s hung, so now it stays in the drawer.

Only bad people hang it under.

That would depend on whether they’re in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere.

That depends on whether it’s last been used by my mother (strongly right handed) or by me (mostly leftie).

This is a good poll. Another would be “do you fix the roll if someone puts it on ‘wrong’?” I do.

Over, and I am glad to see that a vast majority of Dopers are sensible.

I don’t really care, and it’s bizarre to me that anyone does to any significant degree, but I just want to see this post vindicated, given how close that goal already is.

Under, I have cats.

But beyond that, I believe it is the natural order of things. No damned internet poll is going to tell me otherwise!

I will admit my paper towels hang over, but only because the rack is under the sink and it’s a logistics issue.

This is a zombie, so I’m going to lock it. Current poll here.