Toilet seat dyed.

The toilet is not an easy chair, and the bathroom is not a library. So why not keep using the toilet seat that was on the commode since before I bought this house nine years ago? Because a girl lives here now; that’s why. So a couple of months ago I replaced the flimsy plastic seat with a white wooden one. I admit that I do like it better than the old one, and the SO is grateful too.

SO was colouring her hair, and she dropped a bit of dye on the front of the seat. Evidence indicates that she tried to clean it with bleach. I also tried bleach, but the spot is still there.

How can I get rid of the dye spot? It’s possible that the bleach has oxidised and is no longer as potent as it needs to be. I can buy new bleach. Any other ideas?


I’ve gotten hair dye off other bathroom surfaces with hydrogen peroxide.

You could stain the entire seat to hide it. And by “stain”, I mean the stuff specifically intended to darken wood, not accidental spills of assorted things. Though that could work, too.

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser? Or just let it wear off eventually.

It might be easiest to just dye the whole thing now.

Those wooden toilet seats are only like ten bucks at Walmart. Just sayin’.

You could replace it with one of those squishy ones that cushion your asscheeks. They’re more comfortable than wood, although potentially less durable. Still, they’re both cheap.

I’ve removed stubborn stains from a plastic toilet seat by scouring. An old one of those plastic “netting” shower puff loofah things works well, or a green plastic pot scourer (be careful of scratching with the latter). Rub using bathroom cleaner spray or if that fails, Bar Keepers Friend powder.

Edit… and it appears I can’t read, because this was a wooden one. Still might be worth a try, but what is the finish? Painted/varnished or stained?

I believe it’s MDF, and it’s been painted. I think it’s this one.

I’m leery of using an abrasive. I’ll have to try the peroxide on it.

Well, since it’s already been painted white, why not just paint it white again. I mean, that’s what you do when walls are stained beyond repair. Seems foolish to replace walls every 3-4 years.

Replace it.

(I think 11 posts in is far enough down for this to be safe.)

Put it down?


Wait a minute… WHAT?

NO, put it up!
Leaving it down is what got it dyed in the first place!

Do NOT use even a soft abrasive. I can tell you from much experience that the paint will come off.

I think it’s some anti-education rant.

white spirits… paint thinner… or nail polish remover maybe… or they could do more damage

Poor seat. :frowning:

Replace it with the 9 year old one. Surely you haven’t let this woman take over your house completely and make you throw out a potentially useful item like that, right?