tomndebb: enabler of racist trolls

tomndebb, you idiot.

The trolling racist comes back to the board to insult African-Americans while sounding like Chief Nye the Pseudoscience Guy. His thread is supposedly about affirmative action in sports but it’s really about his need to insult African-Americans because that is the only thing that still stirs his aging dick.

“Why Inbred, you stupid asshole, it’s just a thread about one racist’s complete misunderstanding of affirmative action!”, you might be thinking. Well you would be wrong because Chief Racist has started two threads about affirmative action and in both he’s managed to inject this kind of shit:

Right there in the OP!! Nobody asked him to of course. Nobody asked him to in the prior thread either, but the race troll can’t help himself.

But you, tomndebb (just in case you forgot this thread was about you because you seem to have no fucking memory at all), show off what a complete idiot you can be by posting this bit of stupidity with your chump change moderator asshat on:

In other words, never mind that the racist posted his racist views in the thread already, just stick to the question. Never mind that the question betrays a thorough fucking ignorance of the purpose of affirmative action which the OP has blithely ignored in his prior thread on affirmative action. Never mind there is an asterisk in the thread pointing to his racist disclaimer prior to even asking his stupid question! Nope! Stick to the question and ignore the racism!! Thanks tomndebb, I have so much trouble understanding what the OP is about without your guidance! Never mind the multitude of racist thread hijacks by this shitstain, never mind the multitude of racist threads started by this shitstain, never mind any of that at all! Stick to the question, ignore the racism this filth never stops going on about! WOOHOO! Who the fuck else gets this kind of special moderating for their threads? Maybe it’s a sign of something fundamentally clear: this guy is a racist troll and it’s long past time you ask him to shut it down.

Pitting moderators for actions they take as moderators is against board rules.

Thread closed.