Tonight's Simpsons made Monkeypants glork

Or whatever you call it. I haven’t done it in a long time, but when the Bill Cosby thing was on, I laughed and spit and coughed all of this water into my reheated chicken korma.

If you saw the part, it WAS damn funny.


I didn’t get to see the Simpsons this week because my Fox affiliate pre-empted it for JERRY FUCKING MACGUIRE! If it’s not being kicked off the schedule by football games, it’s being bumped for movies about football. ARGH! On top of everything, I had just managed to scour “Show me the money!” from my brain, and now it’s back in there! I blame that goddam munchkin, Tom Cruise.

Yeah, Show me the Crap bumped the Simpsons yesterday (Sunday). But it was on tonight (Monday) here.

Miller, it was a re-run of the one where Homer has knee surgery then runs a day-care. The Cosby thing was funny, indeed.

Ralph: It’s healing over my hand!
Homer: It knows you’re afraid.

(When Apu is dropping off his octuplet toddlers)
Homer: Are there any medical thingies I should know about?
Apu (running away): Yes, probably!

I like the Bill Cosby bit from the episode where Bleeding Gums Murphy dies.
Cosby: Hey, kids! Meet Grampa Murphy.
Child: We have three grampas already!
Cosby: This one’s a great jazz musician.
Child: Oh, they all are.
Cosby: Oh, oh: you see, the kids, they listen to the rap music which gives them the brain damage. With their hippin’, and the hoppin’, and the bippin’, and the boppin’, so they don’t know what the jazz…is all about! You see, jazz is like the Jello Pudding Pop – no, actually, it’s more like Kodak film – no, actually, jazz is like the New Coke: it’ll be around forever, heh heh heh.

I found it very interesting how Bart’s skateboard rolled down the stairs then took a hard left in order to bump into Homer. But then reality was never their strong suit.

My favorite scene was where Apu starts tossing his kids in a sac. snicker snicker

I wonder if this is the first episode (even though it is a rerun) which didn’t have a guest star? I think not having them makes for better shows.

On a side note for future reference Monkeypants TV show stuff goes in Cafe Society. If this thread disappears that’s where you’ll find it.