Too soon to start talk of Gettysdope III?

Well, with this much advance notice, you should be able to arrange a swap if it isn’t…

July 15th has been duly noted on my calendar.

Count me in, despite not knowing what I’m doing any particular weekend out of the summer.


I brought up Gettysdope this early to make sure we’ve had enough time to set a date and we have. This has to be the fastest date anyone’s ever set for any dopefest.


LOL. I am surprised about this too. Sounds good to us here. Of course Jayjay is going to be the harbinger of doom. :wink:

I feel to see how Jayjay’s CoV activities are relevant to this thread.

LOLOLOLOL. If they were relevant, I would have called him the “Harbinger Of Doom” with boldface and capital letters. That would be a nice name for one of his characters there though…

“the shards…THE SHARDS!”

As opposed to the Doobinger of Harm. The Humanity!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Given that I’m working in the Borough tomorrow, I can hit Parks and Rec to secure our spot. Do we want the Fireman’s pavilion where we were last year, or the Kiwanis pavilion from the first year? Advantage Fireman’s-closer to playground. Advantage Kiwanis-closer to parking. Y’all choose. :slight_smile:

I vote for Fireman’s, because I have 3 kids and close proximity to the playground is important. I don’t remember the distance to the parking from there being all that much of an issue.

Plus, it has the advantage of having that one eternal damp spot in an otherwise completely dry field, which is important for keeping mudgirl happy for the entire afternoon. :smiley:

Oh wait, the mud patch was at the other pavillion, wasn’t it?

My vote is for the Fireman’s Pavilion, too. The kidlet really liked the sandbox and playground equipment.


The playground seemed to be extremely popular with the Dopers-to-Be, and it’s not exactly a hike to either pavilion. Plus there’s plenty of folks around to help with any totin’ that needs to be done.

Seconded on all counts. :wink:

We’ve got the 15th :), but the Firemen’s pavilion is already reserved. :frowning: If that doesn’t peg your irony meter, nothing will. dagnabit! So…we have the Lion’s pavilion, which is where we were for Gettysdope I, IIRC.

The nice blue hair lady remembered us when I told her the group name is “Cecil Adams”.

NEway-who’s going to cook/bring what? To the surprise of no one, I’ll make CHILI! (2 flavors)

The kids can still go over and use the playground, though, right?

Yes. There is a mini playground immediately adjacent to the Lion’s pavilion, and the larger playground is open to everyone willing to walk.

I’ve gotten into the habit of bringing burgers and dogs. Last year I brought enough burgers to feed the entire union side of the army. I’ll try not to repeat that mistake.

I wasn’t all that impressed with the burgers I got last year. So this year will be smaller quantity, hopefully better quality.

Definitely count me in. Now that I’m living just outside of Ithaca rather than in Texas I should be able to make this dopefest no problem.

FinnAgain, I’m looking forward to meeting you. I’ve liked a lot of what you’ve written.

I’ll bring brownies and possibly some chocolate chip cookies. I’ll also bring along the usual bag of games, including Fluxx, Chrononauts, Chronology, etc.