A tool so that I can ctrl-C in one place several times, and then ctrl-V them somewhere else.
I can’t select the whole lot, because they’ve got to end up in individual edit-boxes so I need to be able to ctrl-v each item seperately, so it needs to be stored independently in the clipboard.
It doesn’t really matter if it’s FIFO or FILO (I can just alter which direction I paste the items)
Probably a long-shot, but does anyone know of such a tool?
A little Googling found this (http://www.clipmagic.com/index.html) which would probably do the trick. The clip management facilities seem fairly programmable, so even if they don’t explicitly have the paste-and-discard feature you need, you may be able to cobble something together.
I haven’t used it myself, so this is just an educated guess. Good luck.
Microsfot Office does this - XP and 2000 afaik. Just hold down CTRL-C for a few seconds when in an MS Office application - ping! A clipboard stack appears. Very annoying when you don’t want it to happen.
That one doesn’t quite do what I need. It pastes the whole stack in one go, and I can’t figure out how to seperate the items.
And I suspect it won’t integrate with IE, which is where I need to paste the items. So I need something standalone, that handles global ctrl-c and ctrl-v usage. LSLGuy thanks for the link. Now I’ve got to try and persuade the tech department to put it on my comp (I don’t have the privileges)
Correction: It doesn’t paste the whole stack. You can click the items one by one and they get pasted. But I need to use ctrl-v and it needs to paste into IE.
What I usually do as a workaround is to open a notepad window, then cut and paste each item into notepad. Then I open up IE and one by one cut/paste from notepad into wherever. Takes a little longer, but it does work.
What happens if you want to paste something repeatedly?
like say I want to write:
foo bar
foo bar
foo bar
foo bar
foo bar
foo bar
foo bar
At the very least, you would need a copy, paste and one of delete item, paste + delete item or flush stack. which woul require an extra keyboard shortcut. Problem is theres no free keyboard shotcuts left that work in all programs and aren’t absurdly uncomfortable to get to.