Top 5 superhero/comic movies.

Batman Begins
X-Men (I mean the first one)

I would put V for Vendetta in there, but I don’t view it as a comic book movie in the same way that I do for those listed (ymmv).

  1. V for Vendetta. Did a good job playing with superhero conventions.

  2. Superman II - Superman I was held back by having the villain being a comic relief character and his having a pretty stupid plan. Also time travel is a cheap way for the hero to get out of a dilemma. Superman II fixed those problems.

  3. X- Men: Managed to make a semi-believable live action film out of some very comic-booky characters.

  4. Spiderman (Rami version): Did a good job capturing the look of a comic book on live screen

5)Dark Knight: Batman is the coolest superhero. This was the coolest Batman movie. QED.

I just saw this again recently. It is firmly in the camp of being so bad its good.

  1. The Avengers - the current pinnacle of the genre, and #2 is one of my favorite movies, so that’s saying something. The character moments, dialogue, action, pacing… everything just sits right. It helps when you have half a dozen movies setting you up, but that shouldn’t take anything away from an execution that could have quite easily gone wrong.

  2. The Incredibles - it’s funny, it’s probably got the best characters on the list, and it has a really interesting set of powers. Also some great action set pieces, and a nice little message on top. If it had a Helicarrier, maybe it’d still be number one.

  3. Batman Begins - I feel like this one holds up a lot better than the sequel, even given Katie Holmes. It’s a more focused story, and the advantage for Ledger over Neeson isn’t enough to make up for everything else that Begins does better.

  4. Iron Man - sometimes movies get so caught up in what they’re trying to do - whether that’s tell a story, send a message, explore a character, or whatever else - that they forget to be the least bit entertaining. Iron Man is the opposite of that. I’m pretty sure ten years from now I will still be stopping to watch at least a little of this whenever it pops up on cable.

  5. X-Men: First Class - it’s amazing what you can do with a decent script when you have three really, really good actors as your leads. One of the only pleasant suprises of last summer.

Number six would be the Dark Knight. Then, after a bit of a gap, the rest of the top ten would include Blade, X2, Scott Pilgrim, and Kick-Ass in some order.

Very difficult list.

  1. Avengers - Really about as close to a perfect comic super hero movie as possible. It still had that comic book feel, it was very well written and performed, amazing action, very heroic. It did a great job of taking all the preceding Marvel movies, putting them together and making it all even better.

  2. Dark Knight - I absolutely love this move and Batman in general, and Heath Ledger’s performance is rightfully legendary. Really, the only reason I can’t put this above Avengers is because of the scale.

  3. Watchmen - Great movie, but really not so much a hero comic movie in the same sense as the rest of these. It seems much more to me a story about super heroes rather than a super hero story.

  4. Superman 1 & 2 - I think of them as more or less two parts of the same movie and they really set the stage for all the super hero movies since then. And Gene Hackman really was just about as brilliant as Lex Luthor as Heath Ledger was as Joker, even if a bit tamer because of the times. Sure, they’re a bit dated, but they’ve aged very well.

  5. Batman - Really I think the first to successfully make a dark comic movie. The Tim Burton feel added to the atmosphere rather than taking away, Jack Nicholson did a wonderful Joker, and Michael Keaton did a surprisingly good job.
    Honorable Mentions:

  6. Spider-Man 2 - I really liked the humanness of Peter Parker and Doc Oc in the film. I originally liked the first Spider-Man, but seeing it more recently, it didn’t seem to age all that well and came off a little too campy. I felt like this one really took the best of that and made a solid film out of it.

  7. Sin City - Absolutely love the film, the styling, the stories, but I have a hard time rating it any higher because I just don’t really feel like it fits in the same list in any way other than by technically being a comic movie.

  8. Iron Man - It was the best of the pre-Avengers Marvel movies and it was a lot better than I thought it would be. I loved the performance precisely because it was a little over the top, it just didn’t really feel so super hero to me since, well, he was really just cleaning up the messes he created by virtue of business he was in. I don’t think he really was a super hero until the conclusion of the film.

  9. 300 - Again, loved this film, but it suffers from the same problem that Sin City does, that it only really belongs on this list because it’s technically a comic film, but doesn’t fit with the rest of them stylistically.

[li]The Dark Knight[/li][li]The Avengers[/li][li]Spider-Man 1[/li][li]Iron Man[/li][li]Scott Pilgrim[/li][/ol]
And my runners-up.
[li]The Incredibles[/li][li]Watchmen[/li][li]Spider-Man 2[/li][li]X-Men 2[/li][li]Mystery Men (ahead of its time; it would make $100 million today)[/li][li]Men in Black 1[/li][li]Blade[/li][/ul]

In order by which they come to mind: V for Vendetta, The Watchmen, Kick-Ass, The Avengers, and… hmm, not sure if it should be Dark Knight, one of the X-Men flicks, or The Incredibles. Iron Man 2 was also good. I guess The Incredibles.

I recently saw Chronicle and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it despite the teen angst and idiot anti-hero. I’ll have to watch Scott Pilgrim.

The Avengers
Iron Man
Spider Man 2
The Dark Night
V for Vendetta

It wasn’t nearly as big a hit as MASK OF ZORRO, which came out a month earlier. (Or does that one not count?)

Scott Pilgrim is a fabulous movie. Not sure I’d lump it in the superhero genre, though, even though it was based on a comic book. That’s why it’s not on my list. Same with V for Vendetta.

V wears a mask, practices vigilantism, and is, if not super-human, super awesome (survived burns to his entire body, takes incredible damage, can whip a room full of thugs). I see V as an anti-establishment Batman.

Yeah, but that makes him more of a super-anti-hero, doesn’t it? I realize when you tick off the similarities, it adds up, but it’s got a very different feel as the sum of parts.

Maybe I’m drawing an arbitrary line, but I’m not sure you can get a definition of “superhero movie” that fits all of the right ones but excludes all of the right ones too.

Then again, I see now that the OP specifically said superhero OR comic movies, so VfV and Scott Pilgrim definitely count as the latter, even if the former is debatable.
So now I want to find room for Akira on my list. :slight_smile:

  1. Spider-Man 1
  2. Spider-Man 2
  3. Daredevil
  4. Incredibles
  5. Mystery Men (if we can include this, sure! I agree with Gozu Tashoya that it was way ahead of its time)

Honorable mention: Spider-Man 3, The Avengers, X-Men, X2, Batman Returns

I’m not sure why people diss on Daredevil with nigh 100% consistency. It has lots of good stuff about it. Some stupid stuff as well. But it’s well acted, scripted, paced, and filmed for the most part.

So after seeing Spider Man today I have to amend this:

The Avengers
Iron Man
The Amazing Spider Man
Spider Man 2
The Dark Night

Batman (1989)
Iron Man
Spiderman (2002)
Dare Devil - special bonus points for Jennifer Garner as “Electra”. Wow. :wink:

Cool, someone who agrees with me! And she is great in this movie. The Eleckra movie that followed, however, is one of the worst superhero films ever, albeit in a “so bad it’s funny” way.

  1. V for Vendetta - Probably one of my favourite movies of all times, it’s definitely up there
  2. Blade - I love vampires that don’t sparkle and actually want to suck your blood
  3. Watchmen
  4. X-men Origins: Wolverine - Have always loved wolverine more than any other comic character
  5. Hancock - My guilty pleasure, but I love Will Smith, probably one of the movies I’ve watched most times, even though it’s not my favourite

I’ll give it a try, but I haven’t seen tons and tons of these kinds of movies.

V for Vendetta - In my top 5 favorite movies of all time, so this wins for sure.
The Dark Knight - Saw it in the cinemas several times, great movie.
X2 - Seen it several times and own it on DVD. I love how it deals with bigotry and politics.
Spiderman 2 - Very good, very solid, very human. Believable as comic book stories go.
Watchmen - I liked it a lot, including the big blue wang :smiley:

Iron Man
Captain America

I’m afraid Marvel has been nailing it over DC for me (except the Hulk standalones) . One movie not mentioned so far, that actually really worked for me, was Megamind. It didn’t do too bad of a job using genre tropes to build something else (it felt like a comedic companion to Soon I Will Be Invincible!)

Blade 2
Superman 2
Spiderman 2
X-Men 2

I seem to love the sequels more than the originals. I think it’s because they’ve gotten those pesky origin stories out of the way.

And the first two Blade movies were all kinds of awesome.