Top 5 superhero/comic movies.

A pox on you, I love Billy Zane’s The Phantom.

Just five? Ouch. That’s tough. For me, though:

The Incredibles
Iron Man
The Avengers
Mystery Men
V for Vendetta

Honorable mentions: Superman, X-Men, Spider-Man

Spiderman 2
The Avengers
Iron Man
The Incredibles
The Dark Knight

X-Men 2
X-Men: First Class

I have a hard time of thinking of “V For Vendetta” in the same genre as these movies, but if we’re including it then sign me up, it’s probably the best of all of them.

Also the recent Australian movie “Griff The Invisible” with Ryan Kwanten was a really wonderful movie and had an interesting take on the superhero idea.

Just watched The Phantom, again, for the umpteenth time.

So there.

The Avengers
X-Men First Class
The Dark Knight
Captain America
Spiderman 2

The Avengers
Iron Man
The Incredibles
X-Men (first one)

Honorable Mention: X-Men First Class, Iron Man 2, Batman (the original), Captain America

I must be tired. I read the title as Top 5 homo/erotic movies

  1. The Avengers
  2. The Dark Knight
  3. X2: X-Men United
  4. Iron Man
  5. Spider-man 2

Honorable mentions go to: The Incredibles, Hellboy, and X-Men, which kicked off the whole modern superhero film craze with wit and charisma to spare.

So…are you going to give us a list?


I’d play with the order a bit (2,1,4,5,3), but this is my exactly top five as well.


  1. Iron Man
  2. The Dark Knight
  3. The Avengers
  4. X-Men First Class
  5. Kick-Ass

I really hesitated on the last choice, as I also considered the Incredibles, Batman Begins, Iron Man 2, Scott Pilgrim, etc. Also, Kick-Ass was the one I’ve seen most recently, so maybe that’s why. Been a long time since I’ve seen some of them (especially X-Men 2 and the Spider-Man films) so hard to judge them… in my mind I remember them being okay for the time but corny and overshadowed by later comic book films.

[li]Avengers[/li][li]Incredibles[/li][li]Batman Begins[/li][li]Iron Man[/li][li]Blade[/li][/ol]

Glad to see the love for X-2. In my opinion it is not only the best comic book movie but one of the best movies, ever. I first saw it without having read any X-Men but after reading God Loves, Man Kills I felt even more respect for how perfectly they adapted the comic to film. Magneto is the greatest villain ever.

Um, yeah, so

  1. X-2
  2. The Incredibles
  3. Iron Man
  4. Kick-Ass
  5. Does Iron Giant count?

The science checks out, so I’ll allow it.

Speaking from the perspective of a non-comics fan, X2 was the film that really showed me the potential of the superhero genre. It deftly wove social commentary into its mythos without sacrificing the thrills you’d expect of from an action flick, and really deepened its sprawling cast of characters at the same time - no one-dimensional cardboard cutouts, these X-Men! Nor their villains! And the opening sequence with Nightcrawler BAMFing (in more ways than one) around in the White House is, for my money, still one of the best action scenes ever.

X2 is just superlative popcorn filmmaking all around. It’s a damn shame the subsequent films didn’t live up to it.

This. I came to X-men fandom rather late, and never got why everyone raved about Nightcrawler. Then I saw this scene, and I got it. BAMF indeed.

  1. Spider-man 2
  2. X2: X-Men United
  3. Blade II
  4. The Crow
  5. The Dark Knight

My honorable mentions:

1989 Batman-I liked it much better than Batman Begins, but Heath Ledger’s performance alone secure The Dark Knight among the top 5.

X-Men: First Class-I liked this movie to, but mostly the Magneto and Professor X scenes. The ending was wrapped up way too fast in my opinion.

Kick-Ass was awesome, and if The Crow doesn’t count, than I substitute that spot for Kick-Ass.

Superman was good, but a lot of it is so corny. Seeing Clark grow up in Smallville was good, as well as seeing him turn back time was amazing. But everything else felt very campy.

Until The Avengers I considered X2 the best Comic book movie period (that opening scene is quite awesome).

First Class is nearly as good.