Top Ten Reasons To Be a Doper

I’m trying to get my friends to join so they can make money selling seeds and Grit too!

The “fresh” (wink, wink) ice cream.

Plus, it’s good to have a social place where I don’t have to check my brain at the door.

Also, the puns.

And the religious/cosmological/physical discussions.

And the Tolkein discussions.

And the shared fictions.

And the Hot Doper Wimmin[sup]TM[/sup]. :slight_smile:

The classy title of “Charter Member” as seen in more than half the posts in this thread.

Not having to explain jokes, or in some cases, that there was a joke.

Having any song, movie, or book identified from the merest fragment of a clue.



No matter what you are geeked about, there will be someone on board who is as geeky or possibly GEEKIER than YOU about it, you dorkwad. Pushes taped birth control glasses up my nose.
But, really, I think one of the definative spectacles of Doperdom has to be the Dead Pool. Let’s celebrate someone dying!!11!!! Wooooo! It’s fooked up, to say the least.
oh, and any thread that is a Recommend me about books/movies/whatever always peaks my interest.

No 13375p34k except as the subject of derision. Though we do have to tolerate the occasional lolcatz reference.

Legal (mostly) Dopefests.

Source for references to all things bacon.

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Learning stuff. I really like that.

Projammer, I’ll see your Sampiro and raise you a Scylla.


I did just that earlier this week. The lovely lady in question sent me her photo as proof.

You’re half right.

Lolcats are da bomb!

  1. License to kill

Scylla of yesteryear.


Shouldn’t that be “007. License to kill”?

Was this from the boobs thread? :eek:

Threads about pushing things up your nose

The SDMB is loosing income not haveing a click-through to amazon. I’ve ordered so many books via thread links.

Ok, ok. One-point-five standard deviations.

Nope, had nothing to do with the SDMB.

As it happened, the subject was haircuts.

How disappointing.

My contribution:
#11.) We all go to eleven.