Top the previous poster's insult.

I understand that it’s unreasonable to ask you to stop being crazy all at once. You’ve been really, really crazy for a really, really long time, and by now the flow of insanity must have a lot of pressure behind it. But if you could just aim the spray of your crazy on someone other than me, that would be great.

To be perfectly frank, you don’t even deserve a good insult to be aimed at you. To be angry at you would require me to acknowledge your presence, and you do not merit even that.

The very sight of you is so despicable that you wouldn’t even be a good shooting target.

blah can’t think of any more lol.

your web page looks like something ny father came up with. This is not a good thing.

You dimwits couldn’t even put this in the right forum!

I kid, of course. But since this is kind of an insult game, I’m moving this to the Game Room. The forum that smells funny.

You’re a shit stain on the skivvies of society.

Marley could be the least attractive mod. but

Whoa, lass, chill. It was supposed to be ironic and goofy and funny. Some of my closest friends are conservative. Misguided, to be sure, but they’re still my friends and I love 'em.

"The saddest thing about you? You only define yourself by what you aren’t. What you rebel against. You don’t build anything, you don’t create anything of your own…I don’t think you even can. Or ever could. All you can do is make yourself feel big by tearing everything else down.

That’s not being a human being. That’s not even a damn animal. You’re just a hinderance. You’re a sea anchor on the future of human civilization."

:: critic mode
Almost every word of that insult works, but you falter in using “sea anchor.” Anchors are useful and necessary. I think you want “millstone.”
:: critic mode ::

Of course, nothing any of us have written compares to **Euthanasiast’s **classic.

Bah. I wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire. On the other hand, if you weren’t on fire I’d be more than happy to piss on you.

I’ve known empty rooms in deserted houses located above the Arctic Circle which had a higher ambient temperature than your IQ.

You puss-dripping sack of double-smoked butt jerky.

If brains were open flames, you’d be a gas station attendant.

I’m finding it hard to believe you beat a million other sperm.

I wouldn’t fuck you if you had a bag over your head. Shit, I wouldn’t fuck you if I had a bag over my head in case yours fell off.

Looks like you fell out of the Ugly Tree and hit every limb on the way down.

Your mother, taking a rest when walking in the desert, lay down in the shade ofa palm tree.

A passing camel mistook her for another camel, and took advantage of her.

When the camel found out what it had done, it killed itself in shame.

Nine months later, you were born.

Rumors that you are the mother of the Anti-Christ are untrue. Mephistopheles did intend to beget his spawn upon you, it is true, for you are a woman resplendent in vileness to a degree seen in no other woman since the beginning of time. But when your trembling form naked form was dragged before him, the Dark One shuddered, called for burning coals to be thrust into his own eyes, and said, “I wouldn’t fuck that chick with **Jesus’ **dick.”

When you take a dip in the Atlantic, whales beach themselves in Ireland in horror.