Obligatory initial spoiler-free post.
Well, what did you think of it? Captain Jack was played with panache, but I felt that the others just sort of faded. It seems a little slower than Dr Who. That car doesn’t help. Can’t they afford a helicopter? OK, I suppose the BBC budget doesn’t help.
The second episode was a semi-standard manhunt, but set up a plot hook for the future with that hand, but the trap thing was telegraphed a bit.
Torchwood is out already? Wow… I need to see if I can get it now…
Wow… MUCH darker than Dr. Who… and I hope I can get over the fact that Gwen is the same actress who played “Gwenyth” in the Charles Dickens episode…
Just watched the first episode… Will watch episode 2 tomorrow night… Two in a row is just too intense
I noticed it was a joint production with CBC . So I guess that people in Canada will be able to see it quite soon. I enjoyed it , and I can see why it was broadcast after 9pm.
Oh, you don’t know whose hand that is?
Cast your mind back…
I thought it was interesting and will give it a go next sunday. It’s just that the second episode was very like an episode of the outer limits so didn’t grab me like the first.
The thing I don’t get (but I’m in love with the show anyways):
How does it work in the Doctor Who-verse?
Queen Victoria set it up as a foil to the doctor, and the last we saw, it was a huge entity in London. And now Captain Jack is heading Torchwood (nd he’s on the same side as the Doctor, meaning he wouldn’t use Torchwood to work against the good Dr). And where did the super modern skyscraper high tech outfit go, to be stranded in the sewers of Cardiff.
I mean, as a stand alone show (with hints of MIB) it works really well, but it messses with what Russ Davis is doing with the Doctor.
Jack explains this in the bar (ep1)
This TORCHWOOD (number III) is set after the Cybermen - that TORCHWOOD (I) was destroyed in the battle, relocated to Glasgow (TORCHWOOD II) then to Cardiff (probably because of the rift, which Jack knows about).
It all does fit in - even the permanent perception filter, caused by the TARDIS sitting on the flagstone during the Cardiff rift event.
The more interesting question is how Jack got from the future back to the past… although the new DW series (2007) apparently does feature Jack, so maybe more will be revealed.
As to the true motives of Jack, and TORCHWOOD, we will have to wait and see…
Si (who loved TORCHWOOD)
Is there more sex and violence in this than in Dr. Who? (he asked hopefully )
Oh, yes! Definitely post-watershed content!
I don’t think they relocated. They just have different branches, some of which are no longer in action - London was destroyed, and the fourth one was “missing”. But didn’t he say Glasgow was run by some weird guy? They may visit him at some point.
It’s not explicitly mentioned, but it’s pretty obviously the Doctor’s hand from the first Christmas Special.
Just watched episode two… it definitely made me want to watch next week, although I think episode one was stronger…
I think episode one felt much more “Who-ish”… there were so many things that reminded me of the first Billie and Christopher episodes.
It’s funny, since I’m only lukewarm on David Tennant and Billie’s gone, I’m more up for Torchwood than next season’s Dr. Who…
That 2nd episode certainly took advantage of the post-Watershed timeslot. Yeow.
Even though I think Eccleston was better, Tennant grew on me (after what I think was a very weak start in last year’s Christmas Special). And I think “The girl in the fireplace” is the best of these two new seasons. Billie Piper will be missed, though.
I dunno. I liked the new Dr. Who seasons, but Torchwood left me pretty cold. I think it got started off on the wrong foot when it pulled out that cliched-to-death “ordinary person stumbles onto the super-secret group that has no trouble hiding from every other person on earth in order to provide an excuse for super-secret group leader to provide exposition” plot device. The writing didn’t strike me as particularly clever, and I didn’t think the acting was anything special. And, come on, an orgasm-eating alien cloud?
It’s like some sort of X-Files or Star Trek lukewarm reheat. I might check out another episode or two, but I wasn’t impressed. I do like listening to all those Welsh accents, though.
Yeah, it has to be the most Welsh programme since Pobol y Cwm.
Hey, I don’t remember the CBC co-producing that one. Are you sure?
Welsh-sounding people walking around Cardiff in a BBC Wales production… that’s not saying “Canada” to me, sorry. In fact, why are CBC co-producing it? Aren’t they supposed to be public service, promoting indigenous culture and all that?