How did the Iron Maiden and other famous torture devices REALLY work? Links would be nice, if possible :).
They went into the studio, made really godawful shit-metal albums, and inflicted them upon the public. Thank god we live in more enlightened times, and such methods of torture are largely abandoned.
This might contain what you seek…
ah a specialty of mine shame the daily radar’s 20 knarliest
torture devices of all time has been 404’d but lets see some of the best i remember from various sources
#1 iron maiden -
the spikes were on the inside of a coffin and the coffin closed with the victim inside , thing is the spikes were not all that long so they would jab into your flesh fairly deep say 2-3 inches but not enough to do lethal damage
#2 Spiked boots
shoes made from steel with flat bits at the toes which you had to balance upon , if you balanced on the heel a steel plate with a spike on it would jab your heels
#3 The Saw
Victim was hung upside down from rafters of a tree , the theory being that blood would rush to the head and keep you concious longer , then saw was used from the groin downwards towards the midsection until victim died , occasionally the saw would get to the middrif before the person expired
#4 POW water torture
Japanese men would force feed a POW water lots and lots then tie a gag to his face and jump up and down on his belly causing internal rupture
#5 Camel water torture
a Camel would be dehydrated heavily and poor prisoner would be tied to its body , then camel would be allowed to drink , its belly would expand so much the prisoner was torn apart
#6 Chilli burns (sourced some mens magazine)
They’d put you in boiling water until you were scaled badly then roll you around in chilli powder , then they would put you in a freezer closing your pores and sealing in the chilli to the flesh
#7 The Boots 2
Ever see Misery the film ? where she broke his ankles? , well in medevil (yes med EVIL) times they would put perforated wooden planks around your legs in a box shape then thru the holes hammer in wedges of wood , breaking your legs , more and more would be hammered into until your legs were no more than mush
#8 the cage
(tame) they stick you in a tight cage and let you die of exposure
#9 Spiking
you’d be thrust analy onto a spike , and left there to rot
#10 rack
#11 Trial by fire
(not strictly torture but interesting)
they’d get a red hot iron ring and make you hold it for a bit , after 2-3 weeks if it healed you were innocent (god healed you) if it didn’t you were guilty (since they used nasty bandages and penicilin was a good few hundred years off you were buggered)
#12 Torture chair (can’t recall the proper name)
sharp pyramid of steel you sit onto , torturer hold you up with wires and lowers you onto it at his discretion
#12a Torture saddle (ditto)
same but triangular prism arrangement and you were pulled down by weights around the ankles
#13 Sjambok (mens mag source)
(modern south african)
A whip made from leather that can cut flesh deeply with each stroke , with notice “not for discipline of horses” but ok for humans aparently pre 1990s favourite weapon of SA police other than guns
#14 Cleansing of the soul
prior to any of the medevil above they would feed you hot coals to purify your soul etc
#15 Dunking stool
testing of witches - tame , dip you in if you drown you are not guilty of being witch , if you float you are going to be executed (nice)
#16 Tieing off
(modern i think)
get a limb of yours and tie it off a bit and wait till it goes all rotten or dies or get gangrene
#17 Chilli stick
(modern , sourced mens magazine)
Police get stick , cover end with green chilli paste , proceed to insert this into you
#18 The pear
a wind up device where you turn the handle at the base of the pear and it expands , pear was inserted into anus or vagina and handle was turned opening up the spikey pear inside you.
all i can remember at the moment , prison these days is far far too easy